Tagata o te Moana. 2010-12-04. 17:30-18:00.

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Nonfiction radio programs
Pacific Island radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
04 Dec 2010
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don, Host
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989), Broadcaster

News from the Pacific presented by Don Wiseman, Radio New Zealand International. In this weeks programme:

Vanuatu MPs dump their Prime Minister; A Cabinet Minister is jailed in Solomon Islands prompting a riot in Honiara; The Fiji regime squeezes more tax out of American owned Fiji Water; Norfolk Island gets a financial hand up; Tonga's Friendly Islands Democratic Party and a grouping of nine nobles are both vying to become the country's new government following last week's historic election; A political reform group in Cook Islands says it will continue to push for change despite the failure of a referendum on reducing the number of MPs; Nauru, Tokelau and American Samoa have been listed as the most overweight and obese countries in the world this year; The United Nations international day for people with disabilities was marked this week, and a world renown eye doctor visiting New Zealand says there's a large amount of unnecessary blindness in the Pacific region;