Tagata o te Moana. 2013-06-29. 17:30-18:00.

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Nonfiction radio programs
Pacific Island radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
29 Jun 2013
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don, Host
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989), Broadcaster

News from the Pacific presented by Don Wiseman of Radio New Zealand International. Programme content provided by broadcaster.

In this week’s programme:

1. The recollections of a former New Zealand High Commissioner to Suva, Michael Green, have just been published in a book called “Persona Non Grata”.

2. Two men in French Polynesia have been charged with kidnapping and murder in connection with the 1997 disappearance of a local journalist, Jean-Pascal Couraud, who was known under the acronym JPK.

3. There are calls for the New Zealand government to do more to support migrant Samoans to find jobs.

4. The hosts of September's Pacific Islands Forum summit, the Marshall Islands, are seeking stronger political commitment and international leadership to deal with climate change.

5. Father John Glynn, the founder of WeCare - a charitable organisation in Papua New Guinea's capital, says there is a growing market for child prostitution in Port Moresby.

6. Residents of Fiji's first capital, Levuka, hope that the town being declared a world heritage area will help boost the economy and tourism.

7. It's hoped a new Pasifika Research and Policy Centre in New Zealand will build a better connection between researchers and policy makers, charged with making decisions which affect Pasifika people. The Centre is one of the key features of a new strategy launched by Massey University to improve the education of Pasifika students.