[BBC royal visit]. 1963.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Special events radio coverage
Broadcast Date
RNZ Collection
Robert Hudson, 1920-2010, Commentator
Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926-, 1926-, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Audrey Russell, 1906-1989, Commentator
John Timpson, 1928-, Commentator
Keith Jacka Holyoake, 1904-1983, Speaker/Kaikōrero
New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, 1962-1975, Broadcaster
British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcaster

A raw unedited report in which the BBC correspondents are relaying by telephone reports of the Queen's journey.

A description given by the BBC correspondent, Robert Hudson, on the arrival of the royal couple in Fiji, twenty-one hours late. A report on their arrival in Suva and a full description of the crowds and surrounding scenes. The ceremony was held at Government House where the women and men performed separately.

They leave the islands destined for New Zealand. Includes the Queen's speech to the people of Fiji and the farewell song sung by the combined Suva choir as the Britannia sails for New Zealand. A speech of greeting to the Queen and Duke. An example of chanting.

'A Royal Welcome in Fiji' by the Fiji Broadcasting Commission is a compiled programme.

John Timpson reporting from Waitangi where the Britannia anchors in the Bay of Islands on February 6, 1963. The royals arrive at the Waitangi jetty and proceed to the official welcome on the Waitangi trust estate. There are about 20,000 people assembled along the Prime Minister, Keith Holyoake, who welcomes them. The Queen replies and this is followed by a meeting with the Māori leaders.

Tape 2.
John Timpson reports on the informal visit to Russell and the Queen greeting the 3,000 Māori in Māori, much to delight of the crowd. More reports on the Waitangi Day celebrations .
Audrey Russell reports on the arrival in Auckland which berths at Princes Wharf. The royal party proceed by car to attend the public welcome in the Auckland Domain.

John Timpson describes the drive over the Auckland harbour bridge and the history of bridge itself.

Audrey Russell tells of the visits made by the royal couple to Tattersfield Brinton Carpets Ltd, Crown Lynn Potteries, NZ Forest Products Ltd and Fisher and Paykel Ltd. They also attend the Royal horse of the year show at the Epsom Showgrounds.

Robert Hudson reports from Tauranga where the Britannia berths at Tasman Wharf, Mt. Maunganui. He describes Tauranga and the landscape and the history of the area.

John Timpson also describes Tauranga and Mt. Maunganui and gives the history of the area.

John Timpson in Napier, the phoenix city. He gives a description of the days proceedings including a visit to Hastings. Sums up the trip so far and the journey on the Britannia.

Robert Hudson describes the windy arrival at Wellington. The Civic welcome took place at the town hall. They drove through the streets on their way to Athletic Park and later they visited the Golden Shears competition in Lower Hutt.

Audrey Russell describes the visit to the new housing estate at Porirua. The Queen attended the opening of Parliament with the presentation of the heads of the diplomatic missions followed by the reception for members of Parliament and their wives. She speaks from the Council Chamber in Parliament House in Wellington at the opening. She describes the scene as the members file into the house, there is a pause then she takes up the commentary as the Queen leaves the Council Chambers.

John Timpson talks about New Zealand capitals and place names and the history of how we got our capital city.