BBC News, 1949-11-01, 23:00.

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D series, ca. 1935-1950s.
Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
01 Nov 1949
RNZ Collection
British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcaster

11 PM News. 1949-11-01.
[Recorded from the overseas short wave service of the BBC London].

Headlines include 'The Amethyst' arriving safely in Devonport Harbour after breaking its blockade in the Yangtze River, China; the Chiefs of Staff from Norway, Britain and Denmark are meeting in London today over the setting up of a Regional Defence Headquarters for Northern Europe under the North Atlantic Treaty; The Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation met in Paris to discuss freer trade in Western Europe; The American Secretary of State, Mr. Atkinson, spoke to the CIO convention about Mr. Truman's programme to assist under developed areas; at the Hague the round table conference on Indonesia reached agreement on the status of Dutch New Guinea with Dutch sovereignty will only last for one final year; The Italian Prime Minister asked members of the Anti-Socialist Party to remain in government; The English House of Commons gave the second reading to the Parliament Bill that sought to reduce the period the House of Lords could hold up a Commons measure; The British Overseas Airways Corporation announced its reorganisation. fourteen senior staff and 1,000 other employees were to lose their jobs; The Government of India announced a 12% rise in the price of petrol and the government in Burma announced the introduction of a general sales tax of 6.25% and a luxury tax of 12.5%. A news analysis by Arthur Thomas.