Radio Digest. 1955-05-29, No. 315, Part 1.

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D series, ca. 1935-1950s.
Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
29 May 1955
RNZ Collection
Bledisloe, Charles Bathurst, Viscount, 1867-1958
New Zealand. National Broadcasting Service (estab. 1936, closed 1946), Broadcaster

Side 1.
Episode 315, Part 1. Announcer introduces programme items; Empire Day 1955 celebrates Queen Victoria's Birthday, new citizens take the oath of allegiance to the queen, Edward Gibbon Wakefield remembered, a visit to police headquarters, two Fiji police sergeants studying n Wellington and the New Zealand Rifle Brigade plans a reunion.

Empire Day celebrations in Wellington on Tuesday, May 24, 1955 were given additional significance by a ceremony in the Wellington City Council Chambers. Sixteen immigrants qualified for acceptance as British subjects and New Zealand citizenship. At the ceremony, which was recorded on sound and film, these people took the 'Oath of Allegiance to the Queen' before the Mayor and other representatives of the City of Wellington. A portion of the recording is presented in which the Town Clerk introduces the ceremony, the Mayor presents his address and one of the candidates makes the oath.

The announcer talks about the May 24, 1955 the anniversary commemoration of the first meeting of a New Zealand Parliament in 1854. The anniversary was marked by the annual ceremony of laying a wreath at the grave of Edwin Gibbon Wakefield at the Bolton Street Cemetery in Wellington.

Side 2.