Opening ceremony of the 1974 Commonwealth Games, 24 January 1974

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Live sound recordings
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
24 Jan 1974
RNZ Collection
New Zealand Army Band, Performer
National Band of New Zealand, Performer
Canterbury Caledonian Society Pipe Band, Performer
Scottish Society of N.Z. Pipe Band, Performer

The 1974 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony held at QEII Park, Christchurch. This is actuality with plenty of atmosphere and no specific 'radio announcers/announcements'. It features the continuation of the teams of countries marching into the arena. Brass band music is performed by the band of the New Zealand Army, the National Band Of New Zealand, the Caledonian Pipe Band, and the Scottish Society Pipe Band.

The music is not the national anthem for each country, but rather a tune they may identify with, apart from New Zealand. The countries are introduced as follows:
1) Lesotho
2) Malawi
3) Malaysia
4) Mauritius
5) Nigeria
6) Northern Ireland, music - It's A Great Day For The Irish
7) Papua New Guinea
8) St. Vincent, music - When The Saints Go Marching In
9) Sierra Leone
10) Singapore
11) Sri Lanka, music - Tea For Two
12) Swaziland
13) Tanzania
14) Gambia
15) Tonga
16) Trinidad and Tobago
17) Uganda
18) Wales
19) Western Samoa
20) Zambia
21) New Zealand, music - God Defend New Zealand, along with great
cheering and clapping for the host country.