Tagata o te Moana. 2014-03-15. 17:30-18:00.

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Nonfiction radio programs
Pacific Island radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
15 Mar 2014
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don, Presenter
Radio New Zealand National, Broadcaster

A weekly wrap-up of news, issues and current affairs from the Pacific. The programme is broadcast nationwide every Saturday evening on Radio New Zealand National and is produced by the newsroom of Radio New Zealand International. The following rundown is supplied from the broadcaster’s news system:

1. Non-governmental organisations in the Pacific say there must be more emphasis on community-led development and better social policies to alleviate high levels of poverty in the region.

2. The Prime Minister of Solomon Islands [i.e. Gordon Darcy Lilo] says governance reforms his government is pushing will underpin human and economic development in the country.

3. In May Pacific leaders are to meet in Rarotonga to consider a review into the Pacific Islands Forum's blue print for closer links.

4. A Fiji politician and women's rights advocate Roshika Deo says she's been motivated to keep going with her campaign to get elected after winning an international award.

5. The newly-elected leader of Fiji's Sodelpa party [i.e. Ro Teimumu Kepa] says it's frustrating that her party is unable to start campaigning immediately due to the lack of rules for this year's elections.

6. Nauru's chief justice Geoffrey Eames has resigned saying New Zealand and Australia should have taken a tougher stance over serious breaches of the rule of law in Nauru.

7. A women's theatre company in Solomon Islands that performs shows with an anti-violence message is starting to garner international interest.