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An aircheck of Radio New Zealand National on the morning that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was downed over Ukraine.
05:00-05:11 News, sport and weather.
05:12-06:00 Morning Report begins an hour early; rebroadcasting CNN television coverage.
06:00-09:00 Morning Report.
09:00-12:00 Nine to Noon.
12:00-12:00 Midday news.
The following programme log was sourced from the broadcaster's website:
Morning Report:
06:00 – News, sport, weather.
06:08 - A Malaysian airliner has crashed in Ukraine, near the Russian border. all 295 people aboard have been killed. It is believed to have been shot down.
06:15 - Moscow correspondent Jake Rashbass talks about the plane crash in Ukraine.
06:20 - Pacific News
06:25 - Morning Rural News
06:28 - Te Manu Korihi News:
The Māori Party's accusing the police of incompetence and racism towards Māori, after waking sleeping children at a Statford Marae at 2 o'clock in the morning; Research shows permanent hearing loss is twice as prevalent among young Māori than Pakeha, but there's no firm evidence to suggest why; The head of Māori policing says they've missed their tangata whenua recruitment target, but the goal is still in sight; More than 60-percent of submissions are against an application to mine the seabed near, Rekohu - the Chatham Islands.
06:42 - The man at the centre of a spying scandal, the internet mogul, Kim Dotcom, says it's ridiculous that he has to take the step of filing a private prosecution in order to get any justice.
06:48 – Business news.
07:00 – News, sport, weather.
07:10 - A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet has crashed. The Boeing 777 was shot down near the town of Grabovo in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, as it flew at about 10 thousand meters,or 32 thousand feet.
07:15 - A lot of the passengers believed to be from the Netherlands. The BBC's Anna Holligan is at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam and says the relatives of passengers on board flight MH17 have been taken to a special area inside the airport.
07:20 - Aviation lawyer responds to crash. Mary Schiavo, an aviation lawyer and a former inspector general of the US Department of Transportation talks to Guyon Espiner.
07:24 - Our correspondent in Washington, Priscilla Huff joins us now.
07:28 - Officials from Malaysia airlines are due to give a news conference at 8.00am our time.
07:34 - Dotcom says he has resort to private prosecution. The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found the police were justified in not prosecuting any officers of the Government Communications Security Bureau for illegally spying on Mr Dotcom and possibly 88 other New Zealanders.
07:37 - Dutch crash driver to pay reparation. High Court judge has described the car crash that killed three people in Canterbury as yet another tragedy the city won't forget.
07:39 -The driver of a truck which plunged 45 metres off State Highway One south of Kaikoura on Wednesday morning has still not been located.
07:47 - The national director of World Vision's work in Jerusalem, Alex Snary says he visited Gaza today during a pause in hostilities today.
07:50 - A coroner has criticised the actions of police officers who confronted an armed teenager, saying their mistakes had a snow-balling effect that ended in him being shot dead.
07:53 - Israel launches ground offensive in Gaza. Israel correspondent Blair Cunningham talks to Philippa Tolley.
07:56 - New Zealand First says the government has to stop KiwiRail burning taxpayer dollars.
08:00 – News, sport, weather.
08:10 - Eyewitnesses are describing a firey rain from the sky, after a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet crashed in eastern Ukraine killing all 295 people on board this morning.
08:16 - We go back now to Schipol Airport in Amsterdam with the BBC's Anna Holligan.
08:20 - An update from Jake Rashbass in Moscow.
08:22 - Update with the latest info from MH17 from Washington. Our correspondent in Washington, Priscilla Huff joins us now.
08:26 - Update on MH17 from the Ukraine. Al Jezeera reporter and New Zealander Alexi O'Brien is at the scene of the crash.
08:36 - A law professor says Kim Dotcom will have paid millions of dollars in legal fees fighting his extradition to America.
08:44 - Coroners' recommendations are being diluted or ignored because they are not being targeted at the right people.
08:46 - We cross now to the prime minister of Malaysia Najib Razak who is holding a news conference in Kuala Lumpur.
08:52 - A new national service is being set up in a bid to improve New Zealand's low kidney transplantation rates.
08:55 - Te Manu Korihi News:
Research shows permanent hearing loss is twice as prevalent among young Māori than Pakeha, but there's no firm evidence to suggest why; The Māori Party's accusing the police of incompetence and racism towards Māori, after waking sleeping children at a Statford Marae at 2 o'clock in the morning; The head of Māori policing says they've missed their tangata whenua recruitment target, but the goal is still in sight.
08:57 - The West Coast is looking to tourism to provide some much needed jobs in a region that's been hit hard by a downturn in the mining sector.
08:59 - Kerry-Anne Walsh with news from Australia:
Carbon tax pricing scheme scrapped and Kiwis living in Australia have the 500 registered voters required to contest the NZ election with The Expatrriate Party of New Zealand.
09:00 – News, sport, weather.
Nine to Noon:
09:05 - Aviation expert on MH17 crash. Andrew Charlton is an aviation analyst with Aviation Advocacy in Geneva.
09:20 - BBC Correspondent at Amsterdam airport on MH17 crash. Anna Holligan is the BBC's correspondent in Amsterdam.
09:30 - Can Plants Hear? Two researchers at the University of Missouri have shown that plants may in fact be able to detect sound. Heidi Appel and Rex Cocroft recorded the sound of a cabbage butterfly caterpillar chewing a leaf.... and when they played it to the mustard plant, it produced more mustard oil, which it uses as a defence to deter insects.
09:35 - Australia correspondent on MH17. Karen Middleton is SBS Political correspondent based in Canberra.
09:45 - New study identifies serious failings in the coronial system. The University of Otago study was funded by the Law Commission, and looked at more than 600 coronial inquiries that took place between 2007 and 2012. It's key finding was that the preventive and patient safety potential of coroners' recommendations is not being maximised due to serious systemic issues and under-resourcing. Jennifer Moore is the Acting Director of the Otago University Legal Issues Centre.
09:54 - Pacific correspondent Mike Field. Discusses a new study reveals that Tonga was an empire before Europeans, and the Kingdom's continuing row with Fiji over Minerva Reef, and the arrival of "Voluntourism" in the South Pacific.
10:00 – News, sport, weather.
10:05 - What is the future for robotics? Ken Goldberg is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research in Robotics, Automation, and New Media at UC Berkeley and holds a position at UC San Francisco Medical School where he researches medical applications for robotics.
10:38 - Book Review: The Thrill of it All. The Thrill of it All by Joseph O'Connor (Harvill Secker) RRP$34.99. Reviewed by Kiran Dass.
11:00 – News, sport, weather.
11:06 - The MH17 crash with Miles O'Brien. Miles O'Brien is an American broadcast news journalist specializing in science, technology, and aerospace.
11:15 - The MH17 crash with Brigadier General Kevin Ryan. Brigadier General Kevin Ryan (U.S. Army retired) is Director, Defense and Intelligence Projects at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
11:25 - New music with Jeremy Taylor. Jeremy Taylor dives into Morrissey's tenth solo album and the latest from Welsh trio Manic Street Preachers.
11:35 - Sport with Brendan Telfer: Ma'a Nonu's return to Wellington; the aftermath of the World Cup; the plan to extend the Super 15 in 2016 and Tiger Woods in the British Open.
11:50 - The week that was with Radar and Elisabeth Easther.
12:00 – News, sport, weather.