Tagata o te Moana. 2015-05-30. 17:30-18:00.

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Nonfiction radio programs
Pacific Island radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
30 May 2015
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don, Presenter
Radio New Zealand National, Broadcaster

A weekly wrap-up of news, issues and current affairs from the Pacific. The programme is broadcast nationwide every Saturday evening on Radio New Zealand National and is produced by the newsroom of Radio New Zealand International. The following rundown is supplied from the broadcaster’s news system:

1. The head of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Dame Meg Taylor has thrown down the gauntlet to Pacific island leaders saying they need to take a deeper regional approach to solving problems and helping the region reach its potential.

2. An emergency management expert [i.e. Dr Jane Rovins] says Vanuatu needs to introduce cyclone proof building codes to avoid more big damage bills from disasters like Cyclone Pam.

3. Australia's administrator [Gary Hardgrave] on Norfolk Island says opposition to reforms initiated by Canberra is being led by a few politicians who fear for their jobs.

4. Repeated acts of brutal violence in Papua New Guinea's highlands provinces are being put down to the spreading of superstitious beliefs.

5. A former president of Bougainville [i.e. James Tanis] says he expects little politicking in the incoming parliament as MPs focus on preparations for the referendum on independence.

6. People in Samoa are paying tribute to Peati Iupeli, a woman they credit with educating the nation on HIV/AIDS awarenss, and changing the way people view those living with HIV.