Resounding Radio - the story of radio in NZ 1921-1996

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Children's radio programs
Radio plays
Radio programs
Radio serials
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
23 Apr 2000
RNZ Collection
Perkins, Jack (b.1940), Producer
National Orchestra of the NZBS
Broadcasting History Trust
Radio Hauraki
Radio New Zealand. Concert Programme (closed 1991)

Resounding Radio - the story of radio in NZ 1921 - 1996. Produced and presented by Jack Perkins.
"The first comprehensive coverage extending over the period 1921 to 1996."
Jack Perkins used both archival audio and recorded much new material to make the series of ten programmes, each approximately 50'00 duration.
Pt 1. A Stirring Thrills the Air. The broad picture 1921 - 1935.
Pt 2. The On-Air Game. The story of radio sport 1921 - 1996.
Pt 3. Politics, War and Progress. The broad picture 1935 - 1949.
Pt 4. Theatre of the Mind. The story of drama and serials.
Pt 5. The Cinderella Service. The story of the news.
Pt 6. The Golden Years. The broad picture 1949 -1970.
Pt 7. Tuning Up. The story of the YC stations, Concert Programme and the Symphony Orchestra.
Pt 8. Te Reo O Te Tangata Whenua. The story of Māori radio.
Pt 9. Hauraki at Sea. The beginnings of private radio.
Pt 10. Public vs Private. The broad picture 1970 - 1996.

Full rundown of contents of each episode including archival material, can be found on RNZ website under "Resounding Radio"