Radio New Zealand National. 2015-03-07. 05:00-23:59.

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Radio New Zealand National. 2015--. 00:00-23:59.
Broadcast Date
07 Mar 2015
RNZ Collection
Radio New Zealand National, Broadcaster

A recording of Radio New Zealand National from 5am to midnight. The following rundown is sourced from the broadcaster’s website. Note some overseas/copyright restricted items may not appear in the supplied rundown:

07 March 2015

===12:04 AM. | All Night Programme===

Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight (RNZ); 12:30 Laugh Track (RNZ); 1:05 From the World (BBC); 2:05 NZ Music Feature (RNZ); 3:05 The Handkerchief, by Linda Niccol (RNZ); 3:30 The Week (RNZ); 4:30 Global Business (BBC) 5:10 Witness (BBC); 5:45 Voices (RNZ)

===6:08 AM. | Storytime===

If you are the third daughter of a third son, by David Somerset, told by Donna Akersten; Fembird and Weka the Thief, by Chris Winitana, told by Chris Winitana and Tina Kaipara; Wiremu and the Blacksmith, by Hiraina Pakau, told by Jason Te Kare; Binnie La Boo Boo, written and told by Victor Rodger; Life Cycle, by Joy Cowley, told by Moira Wairama, Tony Hopkins and Prue Langbein Girls in the Kapahaka, by Angie Belcher, told by Waimihi Hotere; One Scones, Two Mussels, by John Parker, told by Bruce Phillips (RNZ)

===7:08 AM. | Country Life===

Memorable scenes, people and places in rural NZ (RNZ)

===8:10 AM. | Saturday Morning===

A mixture of current affairs and feature interviews, until midday (RNZ)


Philip Wen: pollution in China
China correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, discussing Under the Dome, the viral online documentary hit by journalist Chai Jing about pollution in China.
Topics: environment, internet, media, politics
Tags: China
Duration: 18'34"

Leslee Udwin: India's Daughter
British film maker, whose documentary film, India's Daughter, tells the story of the gang rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi in 2012, and the ensuing social fallout.
Topics: crime, internet, media, politics
Tags: India, women
Duration: 20'00"

Marilyn Waring: 40 years of feminism
Professor of Public Policy at AUT University who spoke at the International Women's Day Celebration Breakfast at Parliament.
Marilyn Waring is professor of public policy at AUT University who spoke about 40 years of feminism at the International Women's Day Celebration Breakfast at Parliament.
She talks to Kim Hill.
Photo: Marilyn Waring 2012 CC BY 3.0 Silicondreamnz
Topics: economy, education, life and society, politics
Regions: Auckland Region, Waikato
Tags: women, feminism, Marilyn Waring
Duration: 36'43"

Jenny O'Connor: women at 60
Photographer and author of Visible: 60 Women at 60; images from the book are on display at Pataka Museum.

Wellington-based photographer Jenny O’Conner released a book Visible: 60 Women at 60 last year A year on, the images are being displayed in an exhibition at Wellington’s Pataka Museum. The exhibition opens to coincide with International Women’s Day and runs until March 29.
Gallery: Visible at Sixty
Jenny talks to Kim Hill about the project.
Topics: arts, author interview, life and society
Regions: Wellington Region
Tags: photography, women
Duration: 15'36"

Playing Favourites with Robbie Burton
Executive director and publisher of Potton and Burton, which changed its name from Craig Potton Publishing this week to reflect the diversity of its publishing catalogue, and Burton's role at the company.
Topics: books, business, history, life and society, media, music, politics, rural
Regions: Nelson Region
Tags: publishing, photography, Craig Potton
Duration: 49'57"

Brett Bailey: Macbeth in the Congo
Director of South African performance company Third World Bunfight, whose latest production is a radical take on Verdi's opera Macbeth, set in modern-day Congo, and playing at the Auckland Arts Festival.

Owen Metsileng as Macbeth and Nobulumko Mngxekeza as Lady Macbeth. Photo by Nicky Newman.
Brett Bailey is the director of South African performance company Third World Bunfight. Their latest production, Macbeth, is a radical take on Verdi’s opera, set in modern-day Congo, and mixing the original score with rearrangements by Belgian composer Fabrizio Cassol, performed by an on-stage chamber orchestra and African singers.
Brett Bailey spoke with Kim Hill.
Macbeth is playing at the Auckland Arts Festival (ASB Theatre, 11, 12, 14 and 15 March).
Topics: arts, media, politics, refugees and migrants, history, life and society
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: opera, Africa, Verdi, Shakespeare, Auckland Arts Festival
Duration: 37'10"

Poetry with Gregory O'Brien: Peter Olds and Geoff Cochrane
Painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien discusses You Fit the Description: the Poetry of Peter Olds and a new collection by Geoff Cochrane, Wonky Optics.
Topics: arts, books
Regions: Wellington Region, Otago
Tags: Peter Olds, Geoff Cochrane, poetry
Duration: 12'14"

Geoff Cochrane poems
Geoff Cochraine reads three poems from his new book, Wonky Optics: Everything's in Pace, Television, and The View From Atlantis.
Topics: books
Tags: poetry
Duration: 2'11"

Listener Feedback to Saturday 7 March 2015
Kim Hill reads messages from listeners to the Saturday Morning programme of 7 March.
Duration: 5'51"


8:15 Philip Wen: pollution in China
Philip Wen is the China correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based in Beijing, and will discuss the viral documentary, Under the Dome. The film by Chinese journalist Chai Jing has been called China’s An Inconvenient Truth and tells her personal story alongside a comprehensive look at pollution in China. It has received more than 200 million online views since its release last weekend.
8:35 Leslee Udwin: India’s Daughter
Leslee Udwin is a British film maker, whose documentary film India’s Daughter tells the story of the gang rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi in December 2012, and the ensuing social fallout. The documentary was shown on BBC Four earlier this week ahead of its planned release date of March 8 (International Women’s Day), following attempts by the Indian Government to suppress its release.
9:05 Marilyn Waring: 40 years of feminism
Dr Marilyn Waring is Professor of Public Policy at AUT University. She spoke at the International Women’s Day Celebration Breakfast at Parliament Buildings, on 6 March.

9:35 Jenny O’Connor: women at 60
Jenny O’Connor is a photographer and author. An exhibition of the images from her book, Visible: 60 Women at 60 (Phantom House Books), is on display at Pataka Museum in Wellington (to 29 March).
Gallery: Visible at Sixty

10:05 Playing Favourites with Robbie Burton
Robbie Burton is the executive director and publisher of Potton and Burton, which changed its name from Craig Potton Publishing this week to better reflect the diversity of its publishing catalogue, and Burton’s role at the company.

11:05 Brett Bailey: Macbeth in the Congo
Brett Bailey is the director of South African performance company Third World Bunfight. Their latest production, Macbeth, is a radical take on Verdi’s opera, set in modern-day Congo, and mixing the original score with rearrangements by Belgian composer Fabrizio Cassol, performed by an on-stage chamber orchestra and African singers. Macbeth is playing at the Auckland Arts Festival (ASB Theatre, 11, 12, 14 and 15 March).

11:45 Poetry with Gregory O’Brien: Peter Olds and Geoff Cochrane
Painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien will discuss You Fit the Description: the Poetry of Peter Olds (Cold Hub Press) and a new collection by Geoff Cochrane, Wonky Optics (VUP).
This Saturday’s team:
Producer: Mark Cubey
Associate Producer: Zoe George
Wellington engineer: Brad Warrington
Auckland engineers: Tony Stamp, Brian Mahoney
Research by Infofind


Song: Raggy Levy
Artist: Jake Xerxes Fussell
Album: Jake Xerxes Fussell
Label: Paradise of Bachelors, 2015
Broadcast: 8:30
Song: Little Things
Artist: Trinity Roots
Album: Trinity Roots EP
Label: Trinity Roots, 2000
Broadcast: 8:55
Song: Born in a Tent
Artist: Robert Scott
Album: Ends Run Together
Label: Flying Nun, 2010
Broadcast: 10:15
Song: The Way it Goes
Artist: Gillian Welch
Album: The Harrow and the Harvest
Label: Agony, 2012
Broadcast: 10:30
Song: A Rock to the South
Artist: Thrashing Marlin
Album: Donkey Deep
Label: Braille. 2011
Broadcast: 10:45
Song: Witches
Artist: Low
Album: C'mon
Label: SubPop, 2011
Broadcast: 10:55
Song: Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don’t Leave Me)
Artist: Staff Benda Bilili
Album: Bouger Le Monde!
Label: Crammed
Broadcast: 11:40

===12:11 PM. | This Way Up===

Exploring the things we use and consume. Some content may offend (RNZ)


Dementia care
Nicci Gerrard of John's Campaign is fighting for better dementia care in UK hospitals inspired by her late father's experiences.

Nicci Gerrard with her father, John. Photo courtesy Nicci Gerrard
An English novelist is leading a campaign to improve the treatment of dementia patients in UK hospitals.
Nicci Gerrard 's father, John was 86 and suffering from dementia when he went into hospital last February for the treatment of some leg ulcers. He came out just five weeks later permanently changed, a skeletal shadow of his former self, and died in November.
Nicci's experience was so awful, and she was so concerned at the way her father was treated in hospital, that she started a fight for dementia sufferers and their carers. John's Campaign was born.
According to the John's Campaign website, one third of people with dementia who go into a UK hospital for an unrelated condition never return to their own homes. Meanwhile, one quarter of hospital beds in the UK are currently occupied by people with dementia.
The campaign revolves around one simple demand: "...the right for carers (particularly family) to stay with a person with dementia if they are admitted to hospital -- 24/7 if necessary."
Nicci Gerrard of John's Campaign told This Way Up's Simon Morton that her father's story was sadly not unique, with millions of people around the having similar experiences.
"People now are living way longer than they used to live and that might be a good thing but they're also living with all sorts of multiple conditions including, alas, dementia. And the system that we have now simply isn't designed to cope with that level of need. There's so much emphasis on keeping people alive and not enough emphasis at all on the quality of life that they have."

Here in New Zealand visiting hours are an operational matter for individual DHBs, and not overseen by the Ministry of Health. We contacted five of the country's 20 DHBs.
It seems as though none of them have any express restriction on carers' visiting hours. Equally there is no automatic, explicit right for carers and family members to stay with a person with dementia in hospital around the clock.
The five DHBs surveyed say hospitals will allow this to happen in many cases – normally either when a patient nominates a support person who then has 24-hour access to the patient, or at the discretion of a charge nurse on a hospital ward.

Left: A letter from June Jones, 91, who has Alzheimer's disease. Image courtesy of Julia Jones.
Right: John Gerrard. Photo courtesy Nicci Gerrard
Topics: health
Tags: aged care, dementia
Duration: 12'00"

Tech news
Peter Griffin with tech news, and a proposed law change that could mean 3 months in jail if you forget your password. No pressure then! Also, PC sales are up- we find out why.
Topics: technology
Tags: Customs, PC, laptops, tablet computers
Duration: 12'19"

Canine hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy with a difference; no togs required and that's because it's for dogs only! With canine hydrotherapist Sarah Apperley of Aqua Hounds, vet Allan Probert and Luna the dog.

Hydrotherapy with a difference; no togs required and that's because it's for dogs only! With canine hydrotherapist Sarah Apperley of Aqua Hounds, vet Allan Probert and Luna the dog.

Tags: pets, veterinary science, hydrotherapy, dogs
Duration: 14'12"

Naked Science
Naked Science with Dr Chris Smith. The discovery of 2.8 million year old human remains in Ethiopia, the exploration of the dwarf planet Ceres is about to begin after a 7 year space voyage, and why we sniff our fingers after shaking hands with someone.
Topics: science
Tags: archaeology, space exploration, astronomy, planets, asteroids
Duration: 12'52"

DNA in flies
Annalisa Durdle is a New Zealander working as a forensic scientist in Australia who's discovering that fly excrement can help the police solve crimes.
Topics: crime
Tags: forensics, DNA, flies, entomology
Duration: 7'42"

Exploring taste
John McQuaid explores the complexities of our sense of taste in his book "Tasty: The Art and Science of What We Eat" (Scribner).
Topics: science, food
Tags: taste
Duration: 25'20"


Quick hits
12:15 Dementia care
12:30 Tech news
12:45 Canine hydrotherapy
13:15 Naked Science
13:25 DNA in flies
13:35 Exploring taste
The small print
First up this week, Nicci Gerrard is an English novelist fighting for better dementia care in UK hospitals, inspired by what happened when her father was admitted to hospital last year.
At 12:30pm, Peter Griffin with tech news and a proposed law change that could mean 3 months in jail if you forget your password. Plus PC sales are up, we find out why.
Then before the 1pm news, we're off for a spot of hydrotherapy; no togs required and that's because it's for canines only, doggie rehab in a swimming pool.
After 1pm, Naked Science with Dr Chris Smith. This week, the discovery of 2.8 million year old human remains in Ethiopia. Also the exploration of the dwarf planet Ceres is about to begin after a 7-year space voyage, and why we sniff our fingers after shaking hands with someone.
Then at 1:25pm, a New Zealander working as a forensic scientist in Australia who's discovered fly excrement can help the police solve crimes.
And before we go John McQuaid explores the science and complexities of our sense of taste in his book ‘Tasty’. Find out why our ability to taste has given us humans a distinct evolutionary advantage.
We're playing these tracks too...
Artist: The Courtneys
Track: 90210
Composers: The Courtneys
Album: The Courtneys
Label: Water Slide WSBAP 008
Broadcast: 12:25
Artist: Little People
Track: Csay Csay
Composers: Little People
Album: Csay Csay EP
Broadcast: 12:55
Artist: The Pixies
Track: Monkey Gone To Heaven
Composers: Black Francis
Album: Doolittle
Label: 4AD
Broadcast: 13:30
And our theme music is:
Artist: Jefferson Belt
Track: The Green Termite
Composer: Jefferson Belt
Album: Table Manners
Label: Round Trip Mars

===2:05 PM. | Music 101===

The best songs, music-related stories, interviews, live music, industry news and music documentaries from NZ and the world


Music 101 Pocket Edition 30
The evolution of Mogwai, Six60's stadium sized ambition and Elvis tribute artists, in the gardens.
Mogwai / Photo by Steve Gullick.
In the Music 101 Pocket Edition 30: The evolution of Mogwai, Six60's stadium sized ambition and Elvis tribute artists, in the gardens.
Topics: music
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: Elvis Presley, Mogwai, Six60, Kanye West
Duration: 48'45"


For two decades Glaswegian band Mogwai has consistently redefined the loud-quiet-loud conventions of post-rock. Known for their fearsome – and at times uncomfortably loud – shows, they're in New Zealand this weekend. We meet them to talk about the evolution of Mogwai, and how their hearing is holding up.

Mogwai / Photo by Steve Gullick.
Future Islands
The Wireless’ Marcus Stickley meets Future Islands, the Baltimore trio first introduced to mainstream audiences with their electrifying performance on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Neil Feather
Baltimore-based instrument maker Neil Feather talks to Emma Smith about the games of improvisation he plays and introduces us to the nondo, an instrument made of sheet metal.

Elvis In The Gardens
August 16, 1977, Elvis Presley is pronounced dead. While the King has now left the building, he lives on in his countless singles, albums, movies and tribute artists, fans who have crossed the line, worshiping Presley through embodiment. Zac Arnold heads to the annual Elvis In the Gardens festival to find out how six different tribute artists got all shook up.

Elvis tribute artist Kerryn Winn performing at Elvis in the Gardens / Photo by Zac Arnold.
Formed at a flat on 660 Castle St in the heart of Dunedin’s scarfy district, Six60 fast became festival headliners, with a musical formula that took cues from local heroes like Shapeshifter, The Black Seeds and Kora - but, despite their success, these relative new arrivals say they still feel like outsiders in the NZ music community. With a new self-titled album, a new songwriting partner in the form of Printz Board, and a plan to reach more people than ever before, Six60 talk to Sam Wicks about their stadium-sized ambition.

Six60 live in London.
Introducing: Aporia

Aporia / Self-portrait.
The Sampler Summit: Madonna
After more than three decades in the spotlight, the artist known simply as Madonna retains an iconic place at the heart of popular culture. The release of Rebel Heart, Madonna’s 13th studio album, provides the focus for a Sampler Summit. Nick Bollinger leads a discussion with Jackie Clarke, Mika and Little Bark’s Sophie Burberry, covering the new record and the controversial career that has brought the 56-year-old pop icon to this moment.

Madonna / Photo by Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott.
Ata Kak
In 1994, Ghanaian artist Ata Kak released his cassette Obaa Sima in Ghana and Canada. He sold three copies, and disappeared. Years later, Awesome Tapes From Africa’s Brian Shimkovitz discovered one of these cassettes at a stall in Cape Coast, Ghana. Simon Wallace talks to Ata Kak about the creation of Obaa Sima, and to Shimkovitz about the decade-long search for its creator.

Ata Kak / Photo courtesy of Awesome Tapes From Africa.



Artist: Neu!
Song: Hallogallo
Composer: Dinger, Rother
Album: Neu!
Label: Gronland
Mogwai Interview
Artist: Mogwai
Song: Mogwai Fear Satan
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Special Moves, Live in Brooklyn NY 2009
Label: Spunk

Artist: Mogwai
Song: Waltz For Aiden
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Come On Die Young
Label: Chemikal Underground

Artist: Mogwai
Song: The Lord Is Out Of Control
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Rave Tapes
Label: Rock Action

Artist: Mogwai
Song: CODY
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Special Moves, Live in Brooklyn NY 2009
Label: Spunk

Artist: Mogwai
Song: Remurdered
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Rave Tapes
Label: Rock Action

Artist: Mogwai
Song: Hungry Face
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Les Revenants OST
Label: Rock Action

Artist: Mogwai
Song: Hexon Bogon
Composer: Mogwai
Album: Rave Tapes
Label: Rock Action

Artist: Kora
Song: Story Ain't Over
Composer: Kora
Album: Light Years
Label: Kora
Artist: Maribou State
Song: Rituals
Composer: C.Davids, L.Ivory
Album: Portraits
Label: Counter Records

Future Islands Interview
Artist: Future Islands
Song: A Dream of You And Me, Seasons, Spirits
Composer: Future Islands
Album: Singles
Label: 4AD

Artist: Amason
Song: Algen
Composer: P.Winnberg, G.Ejstes, P.Winnberg , A.Bergman, N.Törnqvist
Album: Sky City
Label: Fairfax

Neil Feather Interview
Artist: Neil Feather
Song: Nondo improvisation
Composer: N.Feather
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ recording


Artist: Carl Perkins
Song: Blue Suede Shoes
Composer: C.Perkins
Album: The Essential Sun Collection
Label: Snapper
Elvis In The Gardens Interviews
Artist: Elvis Presley
Song: Heartbreak Hotel
Composer: Mae Boren Axton and Thomas Durden
Album: Single
Label: RCA Victor

Artist: Elvis Presley
Song: It’s Now Or Never
Composer: Wally Gold, Aaron Schroeder, Eduardo di Capua
Album: Single
Label: RCA Victor

Artist: Elvis Presley
Song: Blue Suede Shoes
Composer: Carl Perkins
Album: Elvis Presley
Label: RCA Victor

Artist: Elvis Presley
Song: Can’t Help Falling In Love
Composer: Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore, George David Weiss
Album: Blue Hawaii
Label: RCA Victor

Artist: Elvis Presley
Song: If I Can Dream
Composer: Walter Earl Brown
Album: Complete '68 Comeback Special
Label: RCA Victor
Artist: Beck
Song:Blue Moon
Composer: Hansen
Album: Morning Phase
Label: Capitol
Artist: Kanye West feat. Theophilus London, Allan Kingdom and Paul McCartney
Song: All Day
Composer: Kanye West, Paul McCartney, Tyler Bryant, Kendrick Lamar, Karim Kharbouch, Ernest Brown, Cydel Young, Victor Mensah, Allan Kyariga, Mike Dean, Che Pope, Noah Goldstein, Allen Ritter, Mario Winans, Charles Njapa, Malik Yusef Jones, Patrick Reynolds, Rennard East, Noel Ellis
Album: So Help Me God
Label: Def Jam

Six60 Interview
Artist: Six60
Song: FTW (Intro), Special, Find My Way, Die For, White Lines, Purple, Don't Go Changing
Composer: Six60, P.Board
Album: Six60
Label: Universal
Introducing: Aporia
Artist: Aporia
Song: Pop Plague
Composer: Mitchell O’ Sullivan
Album: Heaven Force Early Fall
Label: Self Released

Artist: Surf City
Song: Leave Your Worries
Composer: Surf City
Album: Jekyll Island
Label: Fire Records
Artist: Parquet Courts
Song: Instant Disassembly
Composer: Parquet Courts
Album: Sunbathing Animal
Label: What's Your Rupture?, Mom & Pop

Gig Guide
Artist: The Upbeats
Song: Monogram
Composer: Glenn, Jones
Album: Primitive Technique
Label: Vision

Artist: Jack Ü feat. Bunji Garlin
Song: Jungle Bae
Composer: T.Pentz, S.Moore, I.Alvarez
Album: Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack Ü
Label: OWSLA, Mad Decent, Atlantic Records

The Sampler Summit: Madonna
Artist: Madonna
Song: Holiday
Composer: Hudson, Stevens
Song: Justify My Love
Composer: Kravitz, Chavez, Madonna
Song: Papa Don’t Preach
Composer: Elliot, Madonna
Song: Into The Groove
Composer: Madonna, Bray
Album: The Immaculate
Label: Warner Bros.

Artist: Madonna
Song: Ray Of Light
Composer: Madonna, Orbit, Muldoon, Curtiss, Leach
Album: Ray Of Light
Label: Warner Bros.

Artist: Madonna
Song: Living For Love
Composer: Madonna, Pentz, McDonald, Gad, Rechtstaid, Emenike
Song: Devil Pray
Composer: Madonna, Bergling, Falk, Yacoub, Kotecha
Song: Ghosttown
Composer: Madonna, Evigan, Douglas, Bogart
Song: Illuminati
Composer: Madonna, Gad, McDonald, Griffin Jr., Dean
Song: Bitch I’m Madonna
Composer: Madonna, Pentz, Rechstaid, McDonald, Gad
Song: Iconic
Composer: Madonna, Gad, McDonald, Griffin Jr.
Artist: Tyra Hammond
Song: Break The Chains
Composer: T.Hammond, J.Toy
Album: Tyra Hammond EP
Label: From the Crate Records

Ata Kak Interview
Artist: Ata Kak
Song: Obaa Sima, Medofo, Bome Nnwom, Adagya
Composer: Yaw Atta-Owusu
Album: Obaa Sima
Label: Awesome Tapes From Africa

Artist: Buena Vista Social Club
Song: Macusa
Composer: Buena Vista Social Club
Album: Lost and Found
Label: World Circuit
Artist: Aphex Twin
Song: Diskhat ALL prepared1mixed
Composer: James
Album: Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments pt2
Label: Warp

===5:11 PM. | Focus on Politics===

Analysis of significant political issues presented by Radio New Zealand's parliamentary reporting team (RNZ)

===5:45 PM. | Tagata o te Moana===

Pacific news, features, interviews and music (RNZ)

===6:06 PM. | Great Encounters===

In-depth interviews selected from Radio New Zealand National's feature programmes during the week (RNZ)

===7:06 PM. | Saturday Night===

An evening of music, reminiscences and entertainment including your requests



7pm – 8pm
Peggy March - I Will Follow Him
Harry Secombe - We’ll Keep A Welcome In The Hillside
Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra - The Lady Is A Tramp
Tom Paxton - Peace Will Come
Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma
Jane Froman - Please Believe Me
Jake Thackray - Brother Gorilla
Richard Tauber - Roses of Picardy
Georgie Fame - St James Infirmary
Jan Preston - The Housework Blues
Malcolm McNeil - The Folks Who Live On The Hill
Daniel Caine Orchestra - The Slap Maxwell Story

8pm – 9pm
Kiri Te Kanawa & The English Chamber Orchestra/Jeffery Tate - Bailero (from Chants D’auvergne)
Hoagy Carmichael - Hong Kong Blues
Nina Simone - Here Comes The Sun
The Iveys - Maybe Tomorrow
Joe Cocker - Girl From The North Country
Brian Johnston - The Ian Botham “Leg Over” Incident
Lord Beginner with The Calypso Rhythm Kings - Victory Test Match (Cricket Lovely Cricket)
The Persuasions - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Boz Scaggs- Corrina Corrina
Clark Terry - Mumbles

9pm – 10pm
The Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go
Quincy Conserve - All Right In The City
Frenchy & The Punk - Carried Away
Emmylou Harris - Boulder To Birmingham
Rufus Wainright - Out Of The Game
Peter Sellers - A Drop Of The Hard Stuff
Ella Fitzgerald - I Love Paris
Nick Drake - Rider On The Wheel
Yes - America
Bruce Springsteen - The E Street Shuffle

10pm – 11pm
Sylvia - Pillow Talk
Bob Marley - One Love/People Get Ready
Ry Cooder - Down In Hollywood
Etta James - Gotta Serve Somebody
Diana Krall - Don’t Dream It’s Over
Diana Krall ft. Georgie Fame - Yeh Yeh
Rank And File - The Conductor Wore Black
Ian Dury - Billericay Dickie
James McMurtry - Choctaw Bingo

===11:04 PM. | None (National)===

The inside story of Bruce Springsteen's classic album, Born to Run. Bruce Springsteen, members of his E Street Band past and present (Roy Bittan, Ernest "Boom" Carter, Clarence Clemons, Danny Federici, Nils Lofgren, David Sancious, Patti Scialfa, Garry Tallent, Miami Steve van Zandt, Max Weinberg), album producer Jon Landau, album engineer Jimmy Lovine and Springsteen's then-manager Mike Appel (Joyride Media)