RNZ National. 2016-02-22. 00:00-23:59, [5th anniversary of Christchurch earthquake 2011].

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Radio New Zealand National. 2015--. 00:00-23:59.
Radio airchecks
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Broadcast Date
22 Feb 2016
RNZ Collection
RNZ National (estab. 2016), Broadcaster

A 24-hour recording of RNZ National. The following rundown is sourced from the broadcaster’s website. Note some overseas/copyright restricted items may not appear in the supplied rundown:

22 February 2016

===12:04 AM. | All Night Programme===

Including: 12:30 At the Movies with Simon Morris (RNZ); 1:05 Te Ahi Kaa (RNZ); 2:30 NZ Music Feature (RNZ); Enemy Territory, by Elspeth Sandys (13 of 15, RNZ); 3:30 Science (RNZ); 5:10 An Awfully Big Adventure, by Jane Tolerton (9 of 15, RNZ)

===6:00 AM. | Morning Report===

RNZ's three-hour breakfast news show with news and interviews, bulletins on the hour and half-hour, including: 6:16 and 6:50 Business News 6:18 Pacific News 6:26 Rural News 6:48 and 7:45 NZ Newspapers


Top Stories for Monday 22 February 2016
We're broadcasting today from the site where the Canterbury Television building once stood, five years on from the day the magnitude 6.3 earthquake changed Christchurch forever and people in Fiji are counting the cost of the devastation caused by the country's most powerful storm ever recorded.
Duration: 30'58"

Sports News for 22 February 2016
An update from the team at RNZ Sport.
Topics: sport
Duration: 1'57"

Anger lingers five years on from Canterbury earthquake
Today is the fifth anniversary of the February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch. For some people today's anniversary is almost unbearable.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: earthquake, Christchurch
Duration: 4'20"

Fiji assesses damage in wake of devastating cyclone
Fiji is this morning is assessing the damage after being mauled by the strongest cyclone in the country's recorded history.
Topics: life and society, weather, Pacific
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston
Duration: 3'09"

Bush leaves Republican primary race
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has pulled out of the race for the Republican Party's presidential nomination after suffering defeat in the South Carolina primary at the hands of Donald Trump.
Topics: politics
Tags: America, Primaries, Republican
Duration: 3'49"

Early business news for 22 February 2016
The business community stays resilient - five-years on from the earthquake.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: Christchurch
Duration: 2'08"

Morning Rural News for 22 February 2016
News from the rural and farming sector.
Topics: rural, farming
Duration: 4'05"

Japanese families want accountability over CTV
Many families of the 28 Japanese students who perished in the CTV building are still asking why nobody has faced criminal charges over its poor design.
Topics: life and society, law
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, Japanese Students, CTV building
Duration: 4'22"

Five years on delays still plague Christchurch
Delays with rebuilding homes, the unresolved insurance claims and delays to the Government's anchor projects have cast a long shadow over the progress of Christchurch's rebuild.
Topics: life and society, law, economy, politics
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, rebuild
Duration: 3'31"

Fijians count the cost of devastation after Cyclone Winston
People in Fiji are counting the cost of the devastation caused by the country's most powerful storm ever recorded.
Topics: weather, Pacific
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston
Duration: 3'11"

The mood of Chch businesses - five years on
Five years on from the devastating earthquake that destroyed much of Christchurch historic central business district, and much of the CBD remains empty sections, with few businesses operating there.
Topics: business, economy
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: earthquake, Christchurch
Duration: 1'30"

Fletcher Building sees Church revitalised by inner city project
Fletcher Building's chief executive, Mark Adamson, says they're building a completely new community in the central city, which will mix business and residential.
Topics: business, economy
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: earthquake, Christchurch, Fletcher Building
Duration: 57"

More share floats expected this year
We may see more share floats this year but volatile financial markets and investor caution may be dampening factors, according to a report out this morning.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: Shares
Duration: 1'38"

Auckland Airport aims to build second runway as demand soars
Shares in Auckland International Airport hit an 11 year high on Friday, gaining close to 8 perent as it reported a 25 percent lift in its profit and raised its forecast by more than 10 percent .
Topics: business, economy
Tags: Auckland International Airport
Duration: 1'58"

Hellaby looks to shake up its portfolio
Diversified investment company Hellaby Holdings is signalling a shake up of its portfolio and a narrowing of its focus as it expects to bounce back from a soft first half of the year.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: Hellaby Holdings
Duration: 1'19"

Morning markets
American stocks had their best week of the year so far,even though Friday was uneventful.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: markets
Duration: 52"

Sports News for 22 February 2016
An update from the team at RNZ Sport.
Topics: sport
Duration: 1'41"

Five years on, how is Christchurch faring?
LIVE VIDEO - Guyon Espiner talks to Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee at the site where the CTV building collapsed on 22nd February 2011.

Guyon Espiner talks to Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee at the site where the CTV building collapsed on 22nd February 2011.

Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, rebuild
Duration: 9'51"

Challenges ahead for Christchurch city council
LIVE VIDEO - Guyon Espiner talks to Mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalziel at the site where the CTV building collapsed on 22nd February 2011.

Guyon Espiner talks to Mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalziel at the site where the CTV building collapsed on 22nd February 2011.

Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, rebuild
Duration: 4'56"

Fiji assesses damage after huge cyclone batters islands
Fiji has declared a 30-day state of emergency, with schools ordered to shut to allow for the cleanup. The nationwide curfew imposed on Saturday has just been lifted this morning.
Topics: weather, Pacific
Tags: Fiji, Cylcone Winston
Duration: 5'14"

Sir Viv Richards acknowledges McCullum's record effort
Brendon McCullum's spectacular knock, on the opening day of the second test against Australia, has been acknowledged by one of the legends of cricket.
Topics: sport
Tags: cricket
Duration: 5'11"

Tardy settlement of Christchurch quake claims stirs protest
Between 4500-5500 homeowners are still waiting for their claims to be settled, as insurers and EQC argue over who is responsible for paying out on claims and whether damage to homes is pre-existing.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, rebuild
Duration: 5'09"

Quake survivor recalls events of the day
Ann Brower survived the earthquake but still feels angry nobody has been held accountable for the state of the buildings that collapsed and changed her life forever.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, rebuild
Duration: 5'56"

Trump triumphs and Bush backs down as Clinton clinches Nevada
It's been another big weekend in US politics with Donald Trump's victory in the Republican Party's South Carolina primary prompting former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's withdrawal from the race.
Topics: politics
Tags: America, Primaries
Duration: 5'30"

Sports News for 22 February 2016
An update from the team at RNZ Sport.
Topics: sport
Duration: 2'28"

New Zealand swings into action to help Fiji
Fiji's Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, has declared a 30-day state of emergency after Cyclone Winston caused widespread destruction at the weekend. New Zealand has pledged 50-thousand dollars as well as additional supplies and will send more aid to Fiji after it's assessed the damage from Cyclone Winston.
Topics: Pacific, international aid and development
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston, aid
Duration: 8'15"

Earthquake survivor tells story of recovery
Nick Walls lay trapped under the wreckage of the Pyne Gould Corporation building for ten hours crushed by a concrete beam.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, recovery
Duration: 3'23"

Christchurch's Civil Defence manager recalls quake devastation
The man in charge of the Christchurch council's emergency response to the earthquake says he never imagined being in the middle of the country's biggest natural disaster.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, recovery
Duration: 4'21"

Baby Asha's release from hospital a step toward deportation
The asylum seeker baby who has been kept at a Brisbane hospital looks likely to return to Nauru after Australia's immigration minister said she will be moved to community detention soon.
Topics: refugees and migrants
Tags: Australia, Nauru
Duration: 4'41"

Markets Update for 22 February 2016
A brief update of movements in the financial sector.
Topics: business, economy
Duration: 1'14"

Bob Parker looks back on quake devastation five years on
The former mayor of Christchurch says the lack of progress in rebuilding some parts of the city is depressing and an opportunity lost.
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, earthquake, rebuild
Duration: 4'45"

Ashburton man accused of murdering WINZ workers on trial today
The man accused of murdering two staff at the Work and Income office in Ashburton goes on trial in the Christchurch High Court today.
Topics: crime
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Ashburton, WINZ, shooting
Duration: 2'00"

Landcorp turns to sheep milking to move away from dairy
The country's largest producer of dairy, meat and wool, Landcorp, is moving into new territory - it's milking sheep.
Topics: farming
Tags: Landcorp
Duration: 3'25"

Water conservation shake up undermines the environment - F&G
The Fish and Game Council says the Government's proposals to shake up water conservation applications is a win for the private sector but not the environment.
Topics: environment, rural
Tags: water, Fish and Game
Duration: 2'27"

Phil Kafcaloudes with news from Australia
Time to chat to our Melbourne correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.
Topics: life and society
Tags: Australia
Duration: 4'58"


===9:06 AM. | Nine To Noon===

Current affairs and topics of interest, including: 10:45 The Reading: Earthquakes and Butterflies by Kathleen Gallagher A lyrical tale set amid the series of devastating Christchurch earthquakes beginning on 4th September 2010, through to late 2012. (Part 1 of 5, RNZ)


Auckland Council's proposal to expand higher density housing zones
A group of Auckland councillors and community groups will this week try to force the council to overturn its controversial proposal to allow higher density housing in more areas than previously proposed.
Topics: housing
Tags: Auckland
Duration: 20'21"

Christchurch five years on: the effect of 'shared trauma'
Massey University Associate Professor in Disaster Mental Health Sarb Johal has been advising and providing clinical support to counsellors working on Christchurch since the worst earthquake five years ago. He's also been researching the effect of the shared trauma on the medical profession and their patients. He's one of a number of speakers to the People In Disasters conference being held in Christchurch later this week.
Who cares for the support workers after a disaster?
As Massey University Associate Professor in Disaster Mental Health, Sarb Johal has advised and provided clinical support to counsellors working in Christchurch since the worst earthquake there five years ago. He has also been researching the effect of the shared trauma on the medical profession and their patients.
Professor Johal talks with Lynn Freeman about 'shared trauma' ahead of the People In Disasters conference:
Topics: life and society
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch, rebuild
Duration: 13'03"

Feminist judges
Could feminism improve judicial decision-making ? What if law experts were to write the "missing" feminist judgment in key NZ cases? The Feminist Judgments Project Aotearoa offers a glimpse of what it would be like if there were more feminist judges, and in doing so, challenges our thinking about law and judging. Professor Rosemary Hunter from Queen Mary University of London is one of project leaders, and has also worked on similar projects in the UK and Australia.
Could feminism improve judicial decision-making?
The Feminist Judgments Project Aotearoa offers a glimpse of what it would be like if there were more feminist judges, and in doing so, challenges our thinking about law and judging.
Lynn Freeman talks with Professor Rosemary Hunter from Queen Mary University of London – one of project leaders, who has worked on similar projects in the UK and Australia.
Topics: law
Tags: feminism, equality
Duration: 6'50"

Europe correspondent, Seamus Kearney
Our Europe correspondent, Seamus Kearney, discusses the latest issues in the region including the possible exit of the UK from the European Union.
Topics: politics
Tags: Europe
Duration: 9'05"

Using portraits to help people reconnect with their heritage
Four years ago Taaniko Nordstrom took some photos on her iPad of herself dressed up in a mixture of traditional Māori and colonial clothing. It turned out to be the genesis of Soldiers Rd Portraits, a company she set up with her sister-in-law creating portraits of people in indigenous dress. What's more she doesn't limit the service to Māori - she sees the photos as a great way to share understanding of culture with Pakeha. Taaniko is also keen to use her photos to help Māori prisoners and at risk young people reconnect with their heritage.
Four years ago Taaniko Nordstrom took some photos on her iPad of herself dressed up in a mixture of traditional Māori and colonial clothing.
It turned out to be the genesis of Soldiers Rd Portraits, a company she set up with her sister-in-law creating portraits of people in indigenous dress.
What's more she doesn't limit the service to Maori - she sees the photos as a great way to share understanding of culture with Pākehā.
Taaniko is also keen to use her photos to help Māori prisoners and at risk young people reconnect with their heritage.
She talks to Kathryn Ryan.
Topics: history, arts, te ao Maori
Tags: heritage, photography
Duration: 26'14"

Book Review: Venetian Rogues by Emanuel E. Garcia
Reviewed by Gail Pittaway, published by Serenissima Publications
Topics: books
Tags: Venetian Rogues
Duration: 3'56"

Politics with Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills
Politics with Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills, including discussion on Labour's recent teriary education announcement and the popularity boost, or lack thereof, that resulted.
Topics: politics
Duration: 23'00"

Greek Food Festival
Greece has a culinary tradition that is more than four thousand years old and has had a culinary influence all over the world. It's a history that will be celebrated this weekend at the Greek Food Festival in Wellington, which has the biggest Greek community in the country.
Topics: food
Regions: Wellington Region
Tags: Greece, Festival, Greek Food Festival
Duration: 12'58"

Off the beaten track with Kennedy Warne
Outdoorsman and adventurer Kennedy Warne discusses tech in the outdoors and marine protection legislative reform.
Topics: rural, life and society, technology
Tags: outdoors, technology
Duration: 11'30"


09:05 Auckland Council's proposal to expand higher density housing zones
A group of Auckland councillors and community groups will this week try to force the council to overturn its controversial proposal to allow higher density housing in more areas. The council in December revealed that it's submission to the Independant Hearings Panel looking at the city's Unitary Plan, included some increased housing density, without renewing public consultation with affected property owners.The expanded intensification will affect a further 20 thousand properties, which has angered some residents groups and councils, who say it is unfair and are urging the council to revoke it. An extraordinary council meeting will be held this Wednesday to discuss the issue - residents groups will also have speaking rights.
09:20 Christchurch 5 years on: the effect of "shared trauma"
Massey University Associate Professor in Disaster Mental Health Sarb Johal has been advising and providing clinical support to counsellors working on Christchurch since the worst earthquake five years ago. He's also been researching the effect of the shared trauma on the medical profession and their patients. He's one of a number of speakers to the People In Disasters conference being held in Christchurch later this week.
09:45 Europe correspondent, Seamus Kearney
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10:05 Taaniko Nordstrom: Using portraits to help people reconnect with their heritage
Four years ago Taaniko Nordstrom took some photos on her iPad of herself dressed up in a mixture of traditional Maori and colonial clothing. It turned out to be the genesis of Soldiers Rd Portraits, a company she set up with her sister-in-law creating portraits of people in indigenous dress. What's more she doesn't limit the service to Maori - she sees the photos as a great way to share understanding of culture with Pakeha. Taaniko is also keen to use her photos to help Maori prisoners and at risk young people reconnect with their heritage.
10:30 Book Review: Venetian Rogues by Emanuel E. Garcia
Reviewed by Gail Pittaway, published by Serenissima Publications
10:45 The Reading: Earthquakes and Butterflies by Kathleen Gallagher (Part 1 of 5)
A lyrical tale set amidst two years of the Christchurch earthquakes. As buildings and crumble and liquefaction and water springs up, seven people, their lives in pieces, go on.
(featurIing the voices of Kathleen Gallagher, Joe Dekkers- Reihana, Nancy Brunning, Gavin Rutherford and Rob Mokaraka).
11:05 Politics with Matthew Hooton and Stephen Mills
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11:30 Greek Food Festival
Greece has a culinary tradition that is more than four thousand years old and has had a culinary influence all over the world. It's a history that will be celebrated this weekend at the Greek Food Festival Greek Food Festival in Wellington, which has the biggest Greek community in the country.
Neove Economous is one of the organisers of the festival, which is held at the Greek Community Centre, at 3 Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington on Saturday.
She shares some of her favourite Greek recipes for Spanikopita and stuffed capsicums.
11:45 Off the beaten track with Kennedy Warne
Outdoorsman and adventurer Kennedy Warne discusses tech in the outdoors and marine protection legislative reform.

===Noon | Midday Report===

RNZ news, followed by updates and reports until 1.00pm, including: 12:16 Business News 12:26 Sport 12:34 Rural News 12:43 Worldwatch


Midday News for 22 February 2016
The full extent of the damage caused by Cyclone Winston remains unknown and a memorial service marking five years since the deadly earthquake gets underway in Christchurch.
Duration: 15'48"

Kiwibank H1 profit marginally higher, expects H2 lift
The state-owned KiwiBank has posted a marginal increase in its first half profit as it has consolidated the previous year's strong growth.
Topics: business
Tags: Kiwibank
Duration: 2'02"

Freightways sees first half profit rise 5.5%, cautious outlook
The courier and information management company, Freightways, has seen its first half net profit rise 5-and-a-half percent on the year earlier, benefiting from the diversification of its business.
Topics: business
Tags: Freightways
Duration: 2'14"

More share floats expected this year
The investing public could be offered more share floats and other investment opportunities this year and new rules on advertising and spelling out the financial details of deals is likely to make it easier to make an informed decision.
Topics: business
Tags: share floats
Duration: 1'25"

Midday Markets for 22 February 2016
For the latest from the markets we're joined by Don Lewthwaite, at First NZ Capital.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: markets
Duration: 2'09"

Midday Sports News for 22 February 2016
The New Zealand cricketers continue to chase leather around Hagley Oval as the Australians have taken a first innings lead on day three of the second Test.
Topics: sport
Duration: 2'28"

Midday Rural News for 22 February 2016
News from the rural and farming sectors.
Topics: rural, farming
Duration: 8'55"


===1:06 PM. | Jesse Mulligan, 1–4pm===

An upbeat mix of the curious and the compelling, ranging from the stories of the day to the great questions of our time (RNZ)


First Song
Hollie Smith - 'Lead the Way'.
Topics: music
Duration: 4'25"

Remembering Christchurch - Rachel Graham
Today marks five years since the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch. A Civic Memorial Service has just been held at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Christchurch earthquakes
Duration: 5'30"

The Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive - Paul Millar
The Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive has been working hard to collect and preserve the responses to the Canterbury earthquakes.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 9'20"

Helen Bower
Violinist Helen Bower has been perfecting her one woman show working with live electronics at festivals in Australia. She talks about how she became fascinated with the endless possibilities electronic loops offer the solo performer and about the result : Lost in the Looping Glass. Helen Bower makes her New Zealand debut at Wellington Fringe this weekend.
Topics: music
Tags: violin, NZ Fringe Festival
Duration: 25'24"

Cyclone Winston - Alex Perrotet
Aerial images of the destruction caused by tropical cyclone Winston have been released by the New Zealand Defence Force. The storm hit late on Saturday, and destroyed villages, crops and caused extensive flooding. The death toll has risen to 10, with concerns that number could rise when communication is restored to outlying islands. It was the most powerful storm in Fiji's recorded history. RNZ International's Alex Perrotet is on the ground in Fiji.
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston
Duration: 6'12"

The Wild Network - David Bond
We're talking with a man who's on a mission to re-wild childhood. To encourage kids to play wild and roam free. David Bond is a British dad who was worried about how much screen time children are indulging in. Back in 2012, he made an award-winning film called Project Wild Thing. And the film lead to the creation of The Wild Network, a global movement of more than 25 thousand people, with the goal of getting kids to lead nature-rich lives. David is coming to New Zealand soon, but now he's with us from the UK.
"The overwhelming evidence for me as a parent is seeing the fact that the kids are happier, they're more relaxed, they're sleeping better, they're concentrating better at school, than they used to when I was – I'm afraid – more of a screen parent, I would give them the iPad to keep them quiet."

British dad David Bond is on a mission to "re-wild" childhood, encouraging kids to play wild and roam free.
Concerned about the increasing amount of screen time for children, David made an award-winning film called Project Wild Thing in 2012. The film led to the creation of The Wild Network – a global movement of more than 25,000 people with the goal of getting kids to lead nature-rich lives.
Jesse Mulligan talks with David Bond ahead of his visit to Auckland in March for ReWild the Child:
David Bond on Nine to Noon (20 November 2014)
Tags: The Wild Network, David Bond
Duration: 10'34"

Favourite Album
Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan.
Topics: music
Duration: 12'23"

TV - Alex Casey
Filthy Rich, Better Call Saul, and Love.
Topics: media
Tags: television
Duration: 13'05"

Music - Diane Swann
'Call the Days' by Nadia Reid and 'Bob Lennon John Dylan' by Phoenix Foundation.
Topics: music
Duration: 18'56"

Books - Paul Little
'Dispatches from Continent Seven: An Anthology of Antarctic Science' by Dr Rebecca Priestley and . 'The Prison Diary of A.C. Barrington: Dissent and conformity in wartime New Zealand'.
Topics: books
Duration: 9'20"

Theatre - Nik Smythe
'POLO' by Dean Parker.
Topics: arts
Tags: theatre
Duration: 7'39"

Feature Interview - Eric Weiner
A new twist on an age old debate: are geniuses made or born? New York Times best selling author and travel writer Eric Weiner adds a new ingredient to the recipe for genius, where you are born. He goes around the world in search of the power of place in shaping great achievers like Mozart, Freud and Steve Jobs. His new book is called The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World's Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley.
Topics: author interview
Tags: genius
Duration: 21'39"

Total dedication - the life of young Chinese acrobats
They start learning acrobatics at the age of five and will have chalked up to 8000 hours practice by the age of 10. Showing absolute commitment to their craft, child acrobats of Zirka Circus are performing in Wellington City to celebrate Chinese New Year. Lynda Chanwai-Earle joins some of the Zirka Circus team during the huge street parade through the capital to learn just how dedicated these Chinese children are.
By Lynda Chanwai-Earle
Renowned Zirka Circus was in town participating in this year's Chinese Festival Day Street parade. The Circus will also perform in Lower Hutt, Porirua and Kapiti coast over the week prior the Festival.
They start learning acrobatics at the age of five and will have chalked up to 8000 hours practice by the age of 10. Showing absolute commitment to their craft the young acrobats of Zirka Circus are performing in Wellington City to celebrate Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey.
The acrobatic troupe from China is run by two sisters famous in their own right; acrobat Jeni Hou and magician Judi Hou. Originally from China, both are now New Zealanders based in Hamilton overseeing the New Zealand troupe of around 30 performers.
I wanted to learn more about what’s behind the troupe's dynamic life style and what life is like for these young acrobats, who range in age from 10 to 22.
So I meet a small representative group of five at the gathering place for dozens of floats for the annual street parade. It’s a sizzling hot day at Tennyson Street in Wellington. The waterfront will see thousands packing the walkway to Frank Kitts Park and the TSB arena for the festival day.
Stephanie Timms, Rita Tom and Linda Lim are the dynamic trio of the Asian Events Trust in charge. I’m following Steph and Rita behind the scenes at the parade.
The Asian Events Trust and Wellington City Council bring the colourful festival to the public each year. Fifteen years ago the annual Chinese New Year Festival started with a humble audience of 50 on Courtney place, now it’s a week long celebration that takes place over Wellington region.
Steph is stridently rounding up street marshals, with just minutes before the parade begins. Rita points out a white ute at the rear of the parade, just opposite the Poon Fah Association float (my own Chinese clan from Guangdongsang). The ute is brimming over with the Zirka team.
Benjamin Hemi is their tour manager. He tells me that Zirka Circus loves that Wellington has a Chinese New Year Festival as this gives them an opportunity to be part of something that makes them feel at home. It's also their first time in the Capital - and for many of these young performers who have only been in the country for a year, it's a special visit.
After a rowdy introduction where the battle is won by the Taiko drums in the next float, I hop into the cab of the ute to hear more from their tour manager. "Uncle Benji" tells me that he loves the absolute commitment shown by all the troupe but particularly the youngest acrobats who are only about 10.
He tells me that many of the children are brought by their parents from poor rural areas in China to audition in the main cities. If they show promise these children have a chance at a real education, better life opportunities and travel abroad.
If they're selected for Zirka Circus in China around the age of five, they become members of the circus organisation. By the age of 10 they will have already achieved around 8000 hours practice, necessary to be able to perform with the level of professionalism needed for this internationally renowned circus.
What about schooling or rest time and playtime, the kind of activities that many New Zealand children may take for granted?
He tells me that the children are schooled each day by two members of the dedicated support staff that travel with the troupe looking after their needs. These children will be practicing around 2 hours per day throughout the week. The tour is demanding but there are one or two days of dedicated rest where only play and fun rule.
There's a Zirka Circus troupe of around the same number in Australia too.The acrobats will spend two years traveling and performing throughout New Zealand before they are either selected to perform Australia or elsewhere in the globe.
All too soon we've reached the end of the road for the parade, I'm hopping out to let Zirka travel to their next performance venue in Lower Hutt.
It's a busy day for these young acrobats but they're still beaming at the crowds lining the waterfront and getting the gasps of appreciation that they clearly deserve, at the very least for the utter dedication they have shown their craft at their young and tender age.
Topics: spiritual practices
Regions: Wellington Region
Tags: acrobatics, Chinese New Year, youth, culture, cultural practices, China
Duration: 15'09"

The Panel pre-show for 22 February 2016
Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel.
Duration: 13'25"


1:10 First Song
Hollie Smith - 'Lead the Way'.
1:15 Remembering Christchurch - Rachel Graham
Today marks five years since the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch. A Civic Memorial Service has just been held at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.
1:20 The Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive - Paul Millar
The Canterbury Earthquake Digital Archive has been working hard to collect and preserve the responses to the Canterbury earthquakes. The team has been archiving the reality of the shaking, the struggles and the creativity of the aftermath from the 2010 and 2011 quakes. CEISMIC's Programme Director Paul Millar, is with us.
1:30 Cyclone Winston - Alex Perrotet
Aerial images of the destruction caused by tropical cyclone Winston have been released by the New Zealand Defence Force. The storm hit late on Saturday, and destroyed villages, crops and caused extensive flooding. The death toll has risen to 10, with concerns that number could rise when communication is restored to outlying islands. It was the most powerful storm in Fiji's recorded history. RNZ International's Alex Perrotet is on the ground in Fiji.
1:35 The Wild Network - David Bond
We're talking with a man who's on a mission to re-wild childhood. To encourage kids to play wild and roam free. David Bond is a British dad who was worried about how much screen time children are indulging in. Back in 2012, he made an award-winning film called Project Wild Thing. And the film lead to the creation of The Wild Network, a global movement of more than 25 thousand people, with the goal of getting kids to lead nature-rich lives. David is coming to New Zealand soon, but now he's with us from the UK.
1:40 Favourite Album
Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan.
2:10 The Critics
TV - Alex Casey
Music - Diane Swann
Books - Paul Little
Theatre - Nik Smythe
3:10 Feature Interview - Eric Weiner
A new twist on an age old debate: are geniuses made or born? New York Times best selling author and travel writer Eric Weiner adds a new ingredient to the recipe for genius, where you are born. He goes around the world in search of the power of place in shaping great achievers like Mozart, Freud and Steve Jobs. His new book is called The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World's Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley.
3:35 Voices
Absolute commitment to their craft - 10 year old child acrobats of Zirka Circus are performing in the Capital to celebrate Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey. Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets Zirka Circus to learn just how hard these Chinese children work.
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show
What the world is talking about with Jesse Mulligan, Jim Mora and Julie Moffett.

===4:06 PM. | The Panel===

An hour of discussion featuring a range of panellists from right along the opinion spectrum (RNZ)


The Panel pre-show for 22 February 2016
Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel.
Duration: 13'25"

The Panel with Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett (Part 1)
What the Panelists Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett have been up to. The fifth anniversary of the February 22 quake in Chch. Evan Smith of the community group Eastern Vision talks about the red zone. The Minister of Police Judith Collins is being criticised for marching with Police officers in the Auckland Pride Parade. Should she have been there? Do well-known New Zealanders need to keep their traps shut about their choice of New Zealand flag?
Duration: 23'05"

The Panel with Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett (Part 2)
New information has come to light about what Apollo 10 astronauts heard on the dark side of the moon. What the Panelists Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett have been up to. Dunedin man Ian Taylor of Animation Research is in Fiji and will talk to us from Nadi about the storm devastated country. Jeb Bush has withdrawn from the race for the US presidency and the mayor of London is backing the campaign for the UK to leave the EU. Massey High School students are revolting over the school's new uniform,
Duration: 27'45"

Panel intro
What the Panelists Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett have been up to.
Duration: 2'59"

Fifth anniversary of the February 22 quake in Christchurch
The fifth anniversary of the February 22 quake in Chch. Evan Smith of the community group Eastern Vision talks about the red zone.
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 16'04"

Judith Collins in step with police at parade
The Minister of Police Judith Collins is being criticised for marching with Police officers in the Auckland Pride Parade. Should she have been there?
Topics: politics
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: Auckland Pride Parade
Duration: 1'19"

Celebs weighing in on the flag
Do well-known New Zealanders need to keep their traps shut about their choice of New Zealand flag?
Topics: politics
Duration: 2'14"

Other worldly
New information has come to light about what Apollo 10 astronauts heard on the dark side of the moon.
Duration: 6'44"

Panel Says
What the Panelists Lisa Tamati and Joe Bennett have been up to.
Duration: 5'28"

Fiji hurricane
Dunedin man Ian Taylor of Animation Research is in Fiji and will talk to us from Nadi about the storm devastated country.
Tags: Fiji
Duration: 6'11"

Exit of Bush Brexit of Britain
Jeb Bush has withdrawn from the race for the US presidency and the mayor of London is backing the campaign for the UK to leave the EU.
Topics: politics
Tags: US
Duration: 4'32"

School uniforms, dress therapy and suits
Massey High School students are revolting over the school's new uniform.
Tags: school uniform
Duration: 4'17"


===5:00 PM. | Checkpoint===

RNZ's weekday drive-time news and current affairs programme


Checkpoint with John Campbell, Monday 22nd February 2016
Watch Monday's full programme here. It begins 5 minutes in.
Duration: 00"

Fifth anniversary of the February 22 quake in Christchurch
More than a thousand people gathered at the city's Botanic Gardens to remember the 185 lives lost.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 2'47"

Memories of the earthquake
They are complete strangers, but Nick was working not far from Gail, also in Latimer Square, just across the road from the CTV building, when the quake hit.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'33"

Chch quake survivor spent 4 hours pinned under a concrete beam.
Summer Olliver was working as an administrator for the Perpetual Trust on the first floor of the PGC Building when the quake hit.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'58"

Widow of CTV building victim returns to Chch for memorial
Anita's husband, Andrew, worked at CTV, in the CTV building, one of 115 people who lost their lives in a structure a Royal Commission later described as so deficient it should never have been built.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'52"

Woman forced to leave her job after the earthquake
Karen Dodd was forced to leave her employment after the quake.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'15"

Governer General speaks at Christchurch quake memorial.
The Governor General Sir Jerry Mataparae was among the speakers at today's service along with mayor Lianne Dalziel.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'08"

Gerry Brownlee target of brown sludge pour
Checkpoint invited Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee on the programme this evening but he declined.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 13"

RNZ reporter speaks from Lautoka, in Cyclone hit Fiji
We head now to Fiji, where people in some of the villages worst-hit by cyclone Winston still haven't been contacted and aid agencies are getting more and more worried for their safety.
Tags: Fiji
Duration: 3'17"

Unicef speaks from the Fijian capital Suva
Producer Alex Ashton speaks to Unicef's Communications Specialist for the Pacific Alice Clements from Suva.
Tags: Fiji
Duration: 5'07"

Employers owe millions in missing Kiwisaver payments
Tens of thousands of workers are missing millions of dollars from their Kiwisaver accounts, because their employers have failed to either pass on payments docked from their pay, or pay their own employer contributions.
Tags: KiwiSaver
Duration: 3'15"

Business news with Nona Pelletier
We had a few notable companies reporting their results today.
Topics: business, economy
Tags: markets
Duration: 2'53"

Quake widower who walked on rubble of CTV building
Among the most enduring memories of the quake, is Alec Cvetanov walking atop the rubble of the CTV building in the hours after its collapse.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 4'22"

Christchurch resident who lost their home in quake.
It wasn't just lives that were lost on February 22, 2011. Communities were lost too.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'17"

Wizard of Christchurch discusses the five years since quake
A familiar sight in Christchurch over the past 40 years is the pointy hat and black gown of the Wizard.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 52"

Chch couple have their damaged home rebuilt.
Liz and Keith have a more positive story. They weren't in Christchurch for the February quake and their damaged home has since been rebuilt.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'48"

Volunteer speaks of quake experience.
Today was also important for those who helped rescue survivors. Richard worked as a volunteer in the days after the quake.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 1'57"

Black Caps clawing back at Australian lead
The New Zealand batsman, Brendon McCullum, has ended his international cricket career with a final knock of 25, on the third day of the second Test against Australia in Christchurch.
Topics: sport
Tags: cricket
Duration: 3'39"

Man behind 1080 milk formula blackmail threat named
An Auckland businessman who threatened to contaminate infant formula with 1080, has rejected the Crown's argument that he did it for money.
Topics: crime
Tags: Jeremy Hamish Kerr
Duration: 2'46"

Religious groups pool resources to welcome refugees
Religious groups have teamed up to provide a warm welcome to the first 90 Syrian refugees who'll settle in Wellington in the next fortnight.
Topics: refugees and migrants
Regions: Wellington Region
Tags: Syrian refugees
Duration: 2'55"

Tourists and Fijian locals arrive at Akl Airport after cyclone
Passengers on the first flight to New Zealand after Cyclone Winston struck Fiji have described the scenes of devastation it left in its wake.
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston
Duration: 2'26"

Tear Fund says tiny settlement devastated by cyclone
Tear Fund is one of several agencies in Fiji helping to ensure aid reaches the right people as quickly as possible.
Tags: Fiji, Cyclone Winston
Duration: 3'24"

Over a thousand people gathered in Chch for fifth anniversary
More than a thousand people gathered today in Christchurch's Botanic Gardens for a memorial service to remember everything Christchurch has been through since the devastating quake five years ago.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes
Duration: 3'43"

Former Mayor Bob Parker relives February 22 2011
We asked Sir Bob to revisit today five years ago - a day when 185 lives were lost, and Christchurch changed forever.
Topics: history
Regions: Canterbury
Tags: Canterbury earthquakes, Sir Bob Parker
Duration: 10'22"


===6:30 PM. | Worldwatch===

The stories behind the international headlines

===7:06 PM. | Nights===

RNZ's weeknight programme of entertainment and information


Jaime Urquhart - the trillium task
He's carefully cultivated a nursery of the double white Trillium Grandiflorum Flore Pleno plants. They're more commonly known as Snowbunting and it's been a 35-year labour of love.
Duration: 21'17"

Science with Pierre Roudier
We hear about what it is like to do scientific research in Antarctica and about the delicate microbial habitats that exist in the soils of the frozen continent's Myers Valley.
Duration: 17'50"

Conundrum clue 1
Conundrum clue 1.
Duration: 20"

Conundrum clue 2
Conundrum clue 1.
Duration: 11"


7:12 The Trillium Task
nurseryman Jaime Urquhart has carefully cultivated the double white Trillium grandiflorum Flore Pleno (more commonly known as Snowbunting) plants, a 35-year labour of love...
7:35 Upbeat - Li-Wei Qin
a feature interview encore from RNZ Concert with Eva Radich
8:12 Window on the World - Discovery: Cornelis Drebbel
international public radio documentaries
8:43 Nights' Science - Soils
the significance of good soils for food security and essential eco-system functions with Landcare Research scientist Pierre Roudier... what it is like to actually do science research in Antarctica...

science roster: Body Parts, Physics, Native Fish Ecology, Astronomy, Soil, Toxicology, Botany, Computer Science, Teeth Talk & World Weather


8:59 conundrum clue 1
9:30 Insight - Sheep and goats - the new dairy boom?
in-depth topical analysis from RNZ News
9:59 conundrum clue 2
10:17 Late Edition
a round up of today's RNZ News and feature interviews as well as Date Line Pacific from RNZ International
11:07 At the Eleventh Hour - Beale St Caravan
music mainly from the North American continent
... nights' time is the right time...

===8:13 PM. | Windows On The World===

International public radio features and documentaries



Monday 22 February Cornelis Drebbel

Philip Ball dives into the magical world of Cornelis Drebbel , inventor of the world's first submarine in 1621.

Tuesday 23 February The Mechanic and the Mission

Laeila Adjovi meets the ex-mechanic in Benin, West Africa, whose mission in life is to help people with mental health problems.

Wednesday 24 February Something Old, Something New

What happens when your Dad's an African-American soul star and your Mum's a music-loving girl from a Sheffield council estate in the north of England? Are your roots on the terraces at a Sheffield United Football match, or in the stylings of a Spike Lee film? For writer and photographer Johny Pitts, whose parents met in the heyday of Northern Soul on the dance floor of the legendary King Mojo club, how he navigates his black roots has always been an issue. Not being directly connected to the Caribbean or West African diaspora culture, all he was told at school was that his ancestors were slaves. In this programme, Johny heads off to the USA, to trace his father's musical migration and to tell an alternative story of Black British identity. From Pittsmore in Sheffield, to Bedford Stuyvesant in New York, and all the way down to South Carolina where his grandmother picked cotton, Johny Pitts makes a journey of self-discovery.

Thursday 25 February Germany at the Centre of EU Migration Crisis

In the European migration crisis, Germany stands at the centre. Angela Merkel encouraged hundreds of thousands to move there in recent months, calling for a 'welcome culture' to show itself among her fellow citizens. It was meant to show that the Germans - partly because of their dark 20th Century history - were uniquely prepared to respond to the refugee's plight. Chris Bowlby visits the Friedland transit camp, now housing Syrians but which has received successive waves of refugees since the 1940s, beginning with some of the millions of ethnic Germans driven west by the Red Army. We hear how Germany absorbed these multi-millions, and then millions more 'guest workers' from Turkey and elsewhere.

===9:30 PM. | Insight===

An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)

===10:00 PM. | Late Edition===

RNZ news, including Dateline Pacific and the day's best interviews from RNZ National

===11:06 PM. | Beale Street Caravan===

David Knowles introduces the Memphis-based radio show with an international reputation for its location recordings of blues musicians live in concert (4 of 13, BSC)