RNZ National. 2016-03-19. 00:00-23:59.

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Radio New Zealand National. 2015--. 00:00-23:59.
Radio airchecks
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Untelescoped radio airchecks
Broadcast Date
19 Mar 2016
RNZ Collection
RNZ National (estab. 2016), Broadcaster

A 24-hour recording of RNZ National. The following rundown is sourced from the broadcaster’s website. Note some overseas/copyright restricted items may not appear in the supplied rundown:

19 March 2016

===12:04 AM. | All Night Programme===

Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight (RNZ); 12:30 Laugh Track (RNZ); 1:05 From the World (BBC); 2:05 NZ Live; 3:05 Juggling with Mandarins by V M Jones read by Matt Whelan (6 of 10, RNZ); 3:30 The Week (RNZ); 4:30 Global Business (BBC); 5:10 Witness (BBC); 5:45 Voices (RNZ)

===6:08 AM. | Storytime===

To The Dump!, by Sharon Whillis, told by Kelson Henderson; Tight Lines, by Jan Treliving Brown, told by Tina Cook; The Loblolly Boy, by James Norcliffe, told by Dick Weir; Kimahia the Fisherman's Friend, by Mike Young, told by Paora Maxwell; Return to China, by Pauline Cartwright, told by Davina Whitehouse

===7:10 AM. | Country Life===

Memorable scenes, people and places in rural New Zealand (RNZ)

===8:10 AM. | Saturday Morning===

A mixture of current affairs and feature interviews, until midday (RNZ)


Andrew Digby: kakapo genomics and conservation
Former astronomer who became captivated with conservation when he came to New Zealand in 2006, and is now the scientist on the Kakapo Recovery team, providing advice to guide the conservation of the endangered flightless parrot.
Topics: climate, environment, science, technology
Regions: Northland, Auckland Region, Wellington Region, Southland
Tags: kakapo, takahe, Whenua Hou Codfish Island, Stewart Island, Anchor Island, Hauturu Little Barrier Island, stoats, mating, kahikatea, genomics
Duration: 37'21"

Martin Peat: crowd dynamics at the Olympics
New Zealand engineer who worked on crowd modelling and pedestrian movement at the Olympics in London, Sochi, and now Rio de Janeiro. He is the winner of the 2016 IPENZ Young Engineer of the Year Award.
Topics: science, sport, technology, world
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: engineering, Brazil, Ipenz, BECA, zica virus, Olympics, London
Duration: 10'37"

Ann Goldstein: translating Elena Ferrante
Ann Goldstein is editor at The New Yorker, and translator to English of many Italian writers, including Primo Levi and the reclusive Elena Ferrante, author of the Neapolitan Quartet. She is a guest at the Auckland Writers Festival in May.
Italian author Elena Ferrante is a best-selling writer, best known for her series Neapolitan Quartet. She would be a celebrity if anyone knew who she was. As Jane Woods wrote, she is one of Italy's best-known, least-known writers.
Elena Ferrante isn't her real name, she doesn't do book tours and she doesn't do in person interviews, which is one reason why she will not be at Auckland Writers Festival. But her translator, New Yorker editor Ann Goldstein is celebrated and here at the festival in May. She is now the go to translator for Italian literature.
Ann Goldstein is head of the copy department at the New Yorker, where she has been for nearly 40 years.
LISTEN to her interview with Kim Hill.
Topics: arts, books, history, identity, language, life and society, world
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: Auckland Writers Festival, Elena Ferrante, Primo Levi, Italy, Naples, New Yorker, Pasolini, AWF16
Duration: 36'26"

Claris Jacobs and Elsie Bollinger: the Candle Wasters
With Sally Bollinger and Minnie Grace, Claris Jacobs and Elsie Bollinger are The Candle Wasters, creators of the Shakespeare-inspired vlog YouTube series, Nothing Much To Do and Lovely Little Losers, and the forthcoming, upgraded production, Bright Summer Night.
Topics: arts, business, education, environment, internet, language, media
Regions: Auckland Region, Wellington Region
Tags: Shakespeare, filmmaking
Duration: 12'26"

Mackenzie Crook: detectoring
English actor, writer, director, and stand-up comedian, best known for his roles in The Office, and The Pirates of the Caribbean, whose new comedy-drama TV series Detectorists, is set around the lives of two members of the Danebury Metal Detecting Club.

Mackenzie Crook is an English actor, writer, director, and stand-up comedian, best known for his roles in The Office, and The Pirates of the Caribbean series. He wrote, directed and stars (with Toby Jones) in the BBC comedy-drama series Detectorists, set around the lives of two members of the Danebury Metal Detecting Club. The first series is available on iTunes, Neon and DVD, and the second series is available this month on DVD.
Topics: arts, education, life and society, media
Tags: hobbies, Coins, tortoises, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Office, Toby Jones, Rachel Sterling, Ricky Gervais, Dick Turpin
Duration: 24'04"

Amelia Dunbar and Emma Newborn: bitches and woolsheds
Creators of the hit touring show The Bitches' Box, who are acting as dogs again in the new show, Sons of a Bitch, which tours to 19 woolsheds throughout the South Island in April, alongside singer-songwriter Mel Parsons.
Amelia Dunbar lives at High Peak Station in Canterbury with her beekeeper husband, daughter, dog and deer, and runs winter ski hosting business The Neon Pompom.
She also paints (as Amelia Guild). Emma Newborn is a fourth generation actor, custodian of Old Government House in Auckland (home to the cat Governor Grey), and a marriage celebrant.
Together they created the hit show The Bitches' Box, which they have toured nationally and internationally since 2012.
They take up the roles of dogs again in their new show, Sons of a Bitch, which they will tour by horse truck to 19 woolsheds throughout the South Island between 30 March and 1 May, alongside singer-songwriter Mel Parsons.
The three women talk to Kim Hill about the show.
Topics: arts, Canterbury earthquakes, climate, environment, farming, life and society, rural, transport, weather
Regions: Auckland Region, Nelson Region, Marlborough, Tasman, West Coast, Canterbury, Otago, Southland
Tags: Mel Parsons, dogs, Windwhistle, bees, honey, cats, Footrot Flats, woolsheds, Bitch, Cows
Duration: 21'56"

Thomas Mallon: Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Trump
American novelist, essayist, and critic, whose books include Watergate: a Novel and Finale: a Novel of the Reagan Years. He is a guest at the Auckland Writers Festival.
Thomas Mallon is one of America's most respected writers of historical fiction. He is also a non-fiction writer and essayist, but it's his novels about 20th Century Washington politics that have drawn the most attention. These include Watergate, Finale (about Reagan's second term) and Fellow Travellers, about the McCarthy era.
Thomas Mallon is coming to New Zealand for the Auckland Writers Festival in May.
Kim Hill could not resist asking him for his take on the current presidential primaries.
Topics: author interview, books, history, politics, world
Regions: Auckland Region
Tags: Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Nancy Reagan, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama, George W Bush, Hurricane Katrina, Gore Vidal, Hillary Clinton, Auckland Writers Festival, AWF16
Duration: 31'49"

Poetry with Gregory O'Brien: Andrew Johnston
Gregory O'Brien discusses the new collection of poetry by Andrew Johnston, Fits & Starts.
Topics: arts, books, language, world
Regions: Wellington Region
Tags: Andrew Johnston, poetry, Afghanistan, Paris, Old Testament
Duration: 13'48"

Listener Feedback to Saturday 19 March 2015
Kim Hill reads messages from listeners to the Saturday Morning programme of 19 March including quite a lot of talk about wasps.
Duration: 9'39"



8:12 Andrew Digby
Andrew Digby has a PhD in astronomy, completed a post-doctoral fellowship with NASA, and became captivated with conservation when he came to New Zealand in 2006. He is the scientist on the Kākāpō Recovery team, providing advice to guide the conservation of the endangered flightless parrot, which now involves a crowd-funding appeal. He will discuss the programme to sequence the genome of all living kākāpō, the first time in the world that an entire population of animals has had its genome sequenced.
8:50 Martin Peat
New Zealand engineer Martin Peat works on crowd modelling for Beca, and was selected to work on the Rio Olympics, having impressed Olympic organisers with his work analysing pedestrian movement for the 2012 London Olympic Games and the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games. He is the winner of the 2016 IPENZ Young Engineer of the Year Award.

9:05 Ann Goldstein
Ann Goldstein is an editor at The New Yorker, and a translator to English of many Italian authors, including Primo Levi. She is best known for her translations of the Neapolitan Quartet by Elena Ferrante (My Brillliant Friend, The Story of a New Name, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, The Story of the Lost Child), and will be a guest at two events during the Auckland Writers Festival (10-15 May). (Interested in translation? Listen to Amelia Nurse's RNZ series.)
9:45 Claris Jacobs and Elsie Bollinger
Claris Jacobs and Elsie Bollinger, with Sally Bollinger and Minnie Grace, are The Candle Wasters, a creative team whose Shakespeare-inspired vlog series, Nothing Much To Do and Lovely Little Losers, have become popular on YouTube. They are about to start filming Bright Summer Night, based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, for release in July.
10:05 Mackenzie Crook
Mackenzie Crook is an English actor, writer, director, and stand-up comedian, best known for his roles in The Office, and The Pirates of the Caribbean series. He wrote, directed and stars (with Toby Jones) in the BBC comedy-drama series Detectorists, set around the lives of two members of the Danebury Metal Detecting Club. The first series is available on iTunes, Neon and DVD, and the second series is available this month on DVD.

10:30 Amelia Dunbar and Emma Newborn
Amelia Dunbar lives at High Peak Station in Canterbury with her beekeeper husband, daughter, dog and deer, and runs winter ski hosting business The Neon Pompom. She also paints (as Amelia Guild). Emma Newborn is a fourth generation actor, custodian of Old Government House in Auckland (home to the cat Governor Grey), and a marriage celebrant. Together they created the hit show The Bitches' Box, which they have toured nationally and internationally since 2012. They take up the roles of dogs again in their new show, Sons of a Bitch, which they will tour by horse truck to 19 woolsheds throughout the South Island between 30 March and 1 May, alongside singer-songwriter Mel Parsons.

11:05 Thomas Mallon
Thomas Mallon is an American novelist, essayist, and critic. His books include Watergate: a Novel (2012, Vintage) and Finale: a Novel of the Reagan Years (2015, Pantheon). He is a guest at three events during the Auckland Writers Festival (10-15 May).

11:45 Poetry with Gregory O’Brien
Painter, poet, curator and writer Gregory O'Brien is the author of a number of books. His latest book is See What I Can See: New Zealand Photography for the Young and Curious (AUP). He will discuss the new collection of poetry by Andrew Johnston, Fits & Starts (VUP).
This Saturday’s team:
Producer: Mark Cubey
Wellington engineer: Carol Jones
Auckland engineer: Alex Baron
Christchurch engineer: Andrew Collins
Research by Infofind


Artist: Steve Young
Song: Seven Bridges Road
Album: Seven Bridges Road
Label: A&M, 1972
Broadcast: 9:40
Artist: Mel Parsons
Song: Good Together
Album: Drylands
Label: CapeRoad, 2015
Broadcast: 10:30
Artist: Anna Coddington
Song: Release Me
Composer: Anna Coddington
First single from her forthcoming album
Label: LOOP, 2016
Broadcast: 11:05

===12:11 PM. | This Way Up===

Exploring the things we use and consume. Some content may offend (RNZ)


This Way Up for 19 March 2016 Part 1
Crossword- setting plagiarism row, consumer genetics: the legal implications, and technology news.
Duration: 48'27"

Crossword-setting plagiarism row
Journalist Oliver Roeder of FiveThirtyEight.com has uncovered a dastardly tale of plagiarism in the normally serene and cerebral world of crossword setting.
A plagiarism scandal is rocking the normally cerebral and sedate world of the crossword puzzle.
There are claims that a crossword-setting business called Universal Uclick, responsible for thousands of crosswords syndicated around the world, has ripped off and copied other people's work.
The crosswords in question appeared online and in some of the world's biggest newspaper titles, including USA Today and the Los Angeles Times, and the allegations have led to the editor at the centre of the controversy stepping down from his job this week, while the claims are investigated.
Simon Morton talks to journalist Oliver Roeder of FiveThirtyEight.com, who uncovered the story:

Tags: crosswords, games, puzzles, hobbies
Duration: 13'07"

Consumer genetics: the legal implications
From patenting genes to privacy, how will the emerging field of consumer genetics challenge our existing laws? Colin Gavaghan is the New Zealand Law Foundation Director in Law & Emerging Technologies at the University of Otago's Law Faculty.
You can now get your genome sequenced for under $1,000, and that price is dropping by the week.
So what happens when a technology like genetic sequencing becomes a mainsteam consumer product, and starts cropping up in genealogy, legal evidence, and in medical testing? How will this challenge our existing laws in areas like privacy, criminal law, insurance and intellectual property?
Colin Gavaghan is looking at the legal implications here in New Zealand, and around the world:
Colin Gavaghan is the New Zealand Law Foundation Director in Law & Emerging Technologies at the University of Otago's Law Faculty.
Topics: science, law
Tags: genetics, DNA, testing, patent
Duration: 20'30"

Tech news
Peter Griffin with the latest news from the world of technology.
Peter Griffin with the latest news from the world of technology.
Topics: technology, internet
Duration: 10'10"

This Way Up for 19 March 2016 Part 2
Science news (air pollution linked to childhood behavioural problems), adult nappies, pet insurance policies, and pthalates: can they harm us?
Duration: 52'50"

Air pollution link to childhood behavioural problems
Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists on a US study suggesting a link between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and later childhood behavioural problems. Also, brain cell implants that could help people recover from damage to their brain or spinal cord.
A link has been revealed between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and later childhood behavioural problems.
Simon Morton gets the latest from Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists and Columbia University Medical Center researcher Amy Margolis:
Dr Chris Smith says that air pollution has already been identified as a significant public health risk by the World Health Organisation. In 2012 the WHO said that one in eight deaths around the world are linked to poor air quality, describing air pollution as "the world's largest single environmental health risk."
But a study by Columbia University Medical Center researcher Amy Margolis, published this week in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, suggests that premature death is not the only risk arising from breathing bad air.
The researchers followed 462 pairs of mothers and their children over a decade. It found that children who were exposed in the womb to higher levels of emissions from vehicles, coal and oil burning, home heating and tobacco smoke, were at increased risk of developing behavioural problems as they grow up.
"This study indicates that prenatal exposure to air pollution impacts development of self-regulation and as such may underlie the development of many childhood psychopathologies that derive from deficits in self-regulation, such as ADHD, OCD, substance use disorders, and eating disorders" ~ Amy Margolis.

Topics: science, health
Tags: air pollution, pregnancy, behavioural issues
Duration: 8'35"

Surge in demand for adult nappies
The market for adult nappies is surging. Lauren Coleman-Lochner is a retail and consumer reporter for Bloomberg News who's looked at the sector.
The market for adult nappies is surging. Nappy-makers like Kimberley Clark and Proctor & Gamble are predicting that sales of adult incontinence garments will match baby diapers in the next ten years.
The US adult diaper market is forecast to grow by 48 percent to almost US$3 billion within the next four years while in Japan demand for adult nappies has already outstripped baby nappy sales.
Simon Morton talks with Lauren Coleman-Lochner – a retail and consumer reporter for Bloomberg News in New York:
Tags: adult, nappies, obesity, diabetes, ageing
Duration: 5'51"

Choosing the right pet insurance
Luke Harrison has been comparing the pet insurance policies on the market for consumer.org.nz.
New Zealand has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world, but caring for a cat, rat, dog, or rabbit can be costly.
A handful of insurance companies here in New Zealand are offering pet insurance policies, so for a monthly premium you can ease the pain of big vet bills and vaccination costs. Some policies will even pay out to help you find a replacement if the worst happens and your pet dies.
The cover, the premiums and the exclusions can vary widely, so it pays to do your research and read the small print.
Luke Harrison has done just that, comparing New Zealand's pet insurance policies for consumer.org.nz. He tells Simon Morton his findings:
Tags: insurance, pets
Duration: 13'30"

Phthalates: can they harm us?
Phthalates are a class of chemicals that make plastic flexible, putting the squeeze in your bath toys, and help make your cling film cling. But can prolonged exposure to them harm us? Toxicologist Professor Ian Shaw of The University of Canterbury has been weighing up the evidence.
Phthalates are a class of chemicals that make plastic flexible; they put the squeeze in your bath toys and help make your cling film cling.
Handy, but are they bad for our health? Well ingesting too many phthalates over a prolonged period has been linked to disruptions in the body's communication system, our hormones.
So how much is too much? And with phthalates being phased out in some areas are the products replacing them any better for us? Toxicologist Professor Ian Shaw of The University of Canterbury has been weighing up the latest evidence.

Topics: science, health
Tags: pthalates, hormones, toxicology
Duration: 14'38"


We're playing these tracks too...
Artist: Argonaut & Wasp
Track: Always
Composers: Argonaut & Wasp
Artist: Nite Fields
Track: Voyeur
Composer(s): Danny Venzin and Chris Campion
Album: 'Depersonalisation'
Label: Felte Records
Artist: Matthew E White
Track: Cool Out Feat Natalie Prass
Composer(s): Matthew E White
Album: Single
And our theme music is:
Artist: Jefferson Belt
Track: The Green Termite
Composer: Jefferson Belt
Album: Table Manners
Label: Round Trip Mars

===2:05 PM. | Music 101===

Emma Smith presents the best songs, music-related stories, interviews, live music, industry news and music documentaries from NZ and the world


Music 101 Pocket Edition 78: Primal Scream v John Campbell/ Soundway Records/ Ladyhawke
John Campbell goes head to head with Primal Scream's Bobby Gillespie, inside the record bag of Soundway's Miles Clere and Ladyhawke live in the studio.
In the Music 101 Pocket Edition 78: John Campbell goes head to head with Primal Scream's Bobby Gillespie, inside the record bag of Soundway's Miles Clere and Ladyhawke live in the studio.
Topics: music
Tags: Music 101 Pocket Edition, Music 101 podcast
Duration: 54'45"


WOMAD 2016
Reviews, interviews, and live music direct from WOMAD Taranaki, which is happening this weekend in New Plymouth's Bowl Of Brooklands.
Ladyhawke in Session
Ladyhawke’s Pip Brown recently announced the release of her new album Wild Things, due to drop in June and spearheaded by first single, ‘A Love Song’. Ladyhawke plays the inaugural Auckland City Limits festival on Saturday – ahead of her main stage slot, Pip joins us in studio to perform an acoustic version of the track.
Soundway's Miles Cleret
Miles Cleret, founder of the Soundway label, which has introduced western audiences to rare gems from around the globe joins Emma Smith for a dig through his record bag.
Primal Scream
Primal Scream’s genre-bending LP Screamadelica impacted John Campbell’s musical world when it was released in 1991, but the Checkpoint host never got a chance to see the psychedelic Scotsmen in concert. With the release of Primal Scream’s eleventh studio album, Chaosmosis, he talks to the band’s enigmatic leader, Bobby Gillespie.
Wellington trio Mermaidens - guitarist and vocalist Gussie Larkin, bassist and vocalist Lily West and drummer Abe Hollingsworth - this week released their debut album Undergrowth. Inspired by the music of PJ Harvey and Patti Smith, Warpaint, The Mint Chicks and So So Modern, it's an album of soaring melodies and crushing discordance. Lily and Gussie joined Emma to get under the hood of this moody new release.
Pasifika 2016
The 24th Pasifika festival returned to Auckland’s Western Springs on the weekend, with tens of thousands of people treated to the vibrancy of Pacific Islands’ music and dance, plus a mean feed. Mani Dunlop wanders through the islands to korero with performers and chatty Niuean aunties, while keeping her puku full too.
Introducing: File Folder
Carnivorous Plant Society live at Wine Cellar, Auckland
Taking inspiration from the likes of Ennio Morricone and David Lynch, jazz adventurers Carnivorous Plant Society brought these widescreen influences to bear on a recent set at Auckland's Wine Cellar. RNZ Music’s Andre Upston was there to commit the performance from the Finn Scholes-led outfit to tape.
Haere Rā, Emma Smith
We say goodbye to Music 101 host, Emma Smith.


Artist: DJ Katapila
Song: Trotro
Composer: DJ Katapila
Album: Trotro
Label: Awesome Tapes from Africa

Session: Ladyhawke
Artist: Ladyhawke
Song: A Love Song
Composer: Brown
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ Recording

Interview: Soundway
Artist: Flamingods
Song: Rhama
Composer: Flamingods
Album: Majesty
Label: Soundway

Artist: The Torreadors
Song: Gwinyitshe
Composer: Teaspoon Ndelu
Album: Gwinyitshe
Label: Gallo (Africa)

Artist: Mike Fabulous
Song: Rhythm 77
Composer: Fabulous
Album: Mike Fabulous And Wild Bill Ricketts ‎– Ricketts Meets Fabulous At Maitland Rd
Label: Self Release

Interview: Primal Scream
Artist: Primal Scream
Song: Trippin' on Your Love, When the Blackout Meets the Fallout, 100% or Nothing, (Feeling Like A) Demon Again, I Can Change
Composer: Primal Scream
Album: Chaosmosis
Label: First International, Ignition

Artist: Primal Scream
Song: Loaded
Composer: B.Gillespie, A.Innes, R.Young
Album: Screamadelica
Label: Creation

Artist: Primal Scream
Song: Exterminator
Composer: Primal Scream
Label: Creation

Artist: Street Chant
Song: Insides
Composer: Street Chant
Album: Hauora
Label: Flying Out/ Arch Hill

Interview: Mermaidens
Artist: Mermaidens
Song: Under The Mountain II, Cold Skin, Seed, Haz Song
Composer: Mermaidens
Album: Undergrowth
Label: Self Release

Artist: Telugur
Song: The Horse Riding Song
Composer: Telegur
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ Recording
Artist: Dhaka Brahka
Song: Toro
Composer: Dhaka Brahka
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ Recording
Artist: I.E. Crazy
Song: An Incident on the Edge of Town
Composer: Duncan

Introducing: File Folder
Artist: File Folder
Song: New Born Bugs
Composer: File Folder
Album: Find A Pumpkin
Label: File Folder

Artist: Neko Case
Song: City Swan
Composer: Case
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ Recording
Live: Carnivorous Plant Society
Artist: Carnivorous Plant Society
Songs: Swamp Bossa, Temple Kiss, Steam Press, Numbers, Phantom Finger
Composer: Carnivorous Plant Society
Album: RNZ Music Recording
Label: RNZ Music Recording

The Sampler: From Scratch- Five Rhythm Works
Artist: From Scratch
Songs: 5,6,7 & 6,7,8 from Gung Ho 1,2,3D; Passage; Drumwheel Part 2
Composer: Dadson
Album: Five Rhythm Works
Label: EM Records

Artist: The Drones
Song: To Think That I Once Loved You
Composer: The Drones
Album: Feelin Kinda Free
Label: TFS Records
Artist: Bic Runga and Hollie Fullbrook
Song: So Long Frank Lloyd Wright
Composer: Simon
Album: Unreleased
Label: RNZ Recording

===5:11 PM. | Focus on Politics===

Analysis of significant political issues presented by RNZ's parliamentary reporting team (RNZ)

===5:30 PM. | Tagata o te Moana===

Tagata o te Moana for 19 March 2016
Samoa's MPs in the 16th Parliament are sworn in and the cabinet is named; The WHO says new research has strengthened the link between Zika and fetal abnormalities, and they say sexual transmission is more common than previously thought; The sugar industry in Fiji is set for a difficult year after Cyclone Winston; Southern parts of PNG are still struggling with drought; A plea from Norfolk Island for intervention from the top; The Solomons prepares for the Family Protection Act; NZ's Labour puts the focus on the Pacific climate change threat; Female artists from around the Pacific work to reviving lost cultural art forms.


Pacific news, features, interviews and music for all New Zealanders, giving an insight into the diverse cultures of the Pacific people (RNZI)

===6:06 PM. | Great Encounters===

In-depth interviews selected from RNZ National's feature programmes during the week (RNZ)

===7:06 PM. | Saturday Night===

An evening of requests, nostalgia and musical memories (RNZ)