National Radio, New Year's Eve special, 2002. 22:00-01:00

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Broadcast Date
31 Dec 2002
RNZ Collection
Burke, Warwick
Scott, Lloyd
Martin, Marama
Catingub, Matt
Rivers, Mavis
McCrorie, Colin
Hewitt, Nola
Clarke, John, 1948-2017
Leonard, Matthew
Hulse, Richard
Lloyd Davies, Alison
Dagg, Fred, 1948-
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)
Tumbleweeds (Musical group)
Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre

National Radio, 10pm December 31, 2002 - 1am January 1, 2003.

CDR02/139/04 : 10pm - 11pm
Tk 1, News, including round-up of New Year's Eve festivities (quiet so far), Woomera Detention Centre fire and honours list wrap, trailer & weather ENDS 12'10". Music medleys - vinyl style - throughout the hour. Interviews with former broadcaster Marama Martin (19'40" to 31'55") and in Hawaii, Matt Catingub - Mavis Rivers' son.

CDR02/139/05 : 11pm - 12 midnight
Tk 1, News, trailer & weather. ENDS 06'00" Music medleys - sounds of the Pacific - throughout the hour. Interviews with Colin and Nola (nee Hewitt[?]) McCrorie of the Tumbleweeds (17'50" to 31'30") and John Clarke (Fred Dagg).
Time pips for midnight, followed by rather sombre Auld Lang Syne.

CDR02/139/06 : 12 midnight - 1am
Continuation of Auld Lang Syne. 01'30" News, trailer & weather. ENDS 07'25". Music medleys - exotic & Latin, including novelty records - throughout the hour. 15'10" Warwick Burke joined by Lloyd Scott with a bit of reminiscing etc. 59'00" 1am News.
CREDITS: Programming Matthew Leonard; technical Richard Hulse; studio production Alison Lloyd-Davies.