Broadcasting Standards Authority Audio

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Radio plays
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
15 May 2002
RNZ Collection
Hide, Rodney P., 1956-
TARO, Sydney
Cosgrove, Clayton
Tamihere, John, 1959-
Wilson, Des
Hill, Kim, 1955-
ACT New Zealand (Political party)
Concert FM
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)
Television New Zealand
New Zealand. Broadcasting Standards Authority
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

Various audio relating to complaints made to the Broadcasting Standards Authority.
all information written on cassettes, and or sleeve, together with brief content descriptions is entered below.
Many tapes have little or no accompanying information regarding dates, times, broadcasters or complaints.

04/137/106 "23 May 2002, Appendix seven"

An audio tape of Rodney Hide speaking on the telephone to a gentleman, Sydney Taro, who has made an affidavit saying Mr. Hide had endorsed an investment scheme that has affected Mr. Taro's the financial situation to the tune of $500 000. Mr. Hide asked for a copy of the affidavit, which was also held by MPs Clayton Cosgrove, John Tamihere, The New Zealand Herald and Television New Zealand. Mr. Hide suggests the person has defamed him. Mr. Hide calls the gentleman back later in the evening to further discuss the situation. The gentleman denies having spoken 'to anyone' despite Mr. Hide saying a number of media have reported content from the affidavit.
Mr. Taro continues to refuse to give Mr. Hide a copy of the affidavit and discuss anything in it.
The complaint concerns an item broadcast on Television New Zealand's "One News" on 15th May, 2002 between six and seven pm. duration 16'00" approx

04/137/107 "Concert FM 11/8/01 Bennett"

Des Wilson hosts concert FM's "Classical chart shortly after noon on 11/8/01" A weekly countdown of the country's ten best selling classical cds. The tape contains an example of the programme. NB audio quality is poor.
From BSA site:
"Complaint: Concert FM - Classical Chart - chart not an accurate reflection of top 10 classical recordings sold each week in New Zealand
Findings: Principle 6 - not "news and current affairs" - musical entertainment - no uphold duration 30'00" approx

04/137/108 "NZ on $100 million a day by Rodney Hide - a speech to NZ businessmen in Fiji, 28 January 1999 Appendix seventeen"

relates to complaint about Rodney Hide's alleged involvement in an 'investment scheme' and the reporting of this story by TVNZ. Please also see acc 04/137/106 on this entry. This tape contains audio from the speech in question. Not fully auditioned. Average audio quality.
From BSA site:
Complaint: One News - Rodney Hide MP - "scam buster" - spoke at seminar in Fiji - affidavit that his presence gave investors confidence to invest - investment was a scam - inaccurate - unbalanced - unfair
Findings: s.4(1)(d) and Standard 4 - reasonable opportunities given - no uphold; Standard 5 - not unfair - no uphold; Standard 6 - inaccuracies (1) different use of the term "family"; (2) not a "self-proclaimed scam buster"; (3) affidavit not dated that day - uphold on these three points - no other inaccuracies; No order duration approx 60'00" approx

04/137/109 "Nine to Noon 14/8/01 Harrison"

Kim Hill from Nine To Noon reads out emails and letters on her programme on 14/8/2001.The comments in question occur approximately four minutes into the tape and last for approximately one minute.
from BSA site:
Complaint: Nine to Noon - host read out email critical of Whanau series - host highlighted grammatical and typographical errors in email - breach of right of individuals to express own opinions - breach of requirement to deal justly and fairly with person referred to in programme - failure to show impartiality on question of a controversial nature
Findings: Principle 4 - host presented email correspondent's point of view - no uphold; Guideline 4a to Principle 4 - host presented correspondent's opinion - no uphold; Principle 5 - correspondent not treated unjustly or unfairly - no uphold

04/137/110 "Platos cave 26/9/02"

A promotion for the drama 'Plato's cave" on National Radio played just after the 4pm news, and prior to the weather, 26/9/02. Includes the dialogue "do you want sex"? There is no theme music or other indication that this is a promotion for a programme prior to the dialogue beginning.
from BSA site:
Complaint: Plato's Cave - Promo at 4.00pm - reference to sexual activity - offensive - unsuitable for children
Findings: Principle 1 Guideline 1a - context - no uphold; Principle 7 Guideline 7b - audience research indicates minimal child audience - withdrawn duration 2'00" approx