Mediawatch. 2004-09-26 and 2004-10-03.

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Broadcast Date
26 Sep 2004
RNZ Collection
Peacock, Colin
Brown, Russell
Frewen, Tom
Ingram, Sue
FORBES, Matthew
Barnsley, Ewart
HARVEY, Claire
MARKS, Cathy
Willis, Zane
LEGAT, Nicola
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)
Television New Zealand

Tk 1, MEDIAWATCH 9.06am-9.33am Sunday 26 September 2004, presented by Colin Peacock.
Topics: A new TV magazine - New Zealand TV Update - gets a boost from pre-recorded Coronation Street interviews aired on Holmes; envelope journalism i.e. the questions generally stop once the cash is in hand, used to prevail in Indonesia - now there are efforts to change this (not always successful); Comment piece by Tom Frewen questioning whether TVNZ has any journalists able to put the hard questions.

Tk 2, MEDIAWATCH 9.06am Sunday 3 October 2004, presented by Russell Brown.
Intro, then a report by RNZ's Sue Ingram about covering the trial of a group of Pitcairn Island men. She was one of only six journalists allowed on the island and she talks to Pitcairn's deputy governor, Matthew Forbes, TVNZ's Ewart Barnsley, Claire Harvey from The Australian newspaper, Neil Tweedie from the Daily Telegraph in London, Cathy Marks who's The Independent's Asia-Pacific correspondent (who's also filing for the New Zealand Herald and Zane Willis who's cameraman-editor from TVNZ.
A brand new newspaper, The Herald on Sunday, is on sale this morning for the first time. Its publisher, APN, has promised a paper that's "diverting, fun and packed with everything Kiwis want to read about". To review the first issue Russell Brown is joined by Metro editor Nicola Legat, and AdMedia publisher Reg Birchfield.