Checkpoint. 2006-02-02

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Broadcast Date
02 Feb 2006
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
NORFOLK ISLAND MURDER - small Nelson District Court packed with NZ and Australian media and family and friends of local chef Glenn Peter McNeill. 28-year old was arrested yesterday re murder of Janelle Patton on Norfolk Island 4 years ago. Extradition hearing took less than 2 minutes before it was adjourned. Geoff Moffett reports live.
KARAOKE BAR MURDER - after 6-month investigation, police have arrested man they
believe assassinated Tam Yam Ah. Tam was shot in chest as he got out of car after returning to home above Top City Karaoke Bar on Auckland's Symonds St last July. (Tony Reid)
SEATBELTS - Land Transport New Zealand says it would be too expensive to require all car lap belts to be replaced and it's safet to wear one than no seatbelt at all. Huntly coroner has called for lap belts to be banned,saying they can cause horrific injuries. (Conan Young); Ana Marie Le Roux of Hamiltion suffered massive internal injuries while wearing lap belt in head-on crash 3 years ago - i/ved live.
RUGBY SEVENS - party already under way in Wellington for latest round of IRB Rugby Sevens series which starts tomorrow afternoon. Traditional parade through Wellington CBD drew thousands of lunchtime onlookers. Pressure on home side this weekend as they play Cook Islands, Kenya and Samoa tomorrow. (Barry Guy)
METHAMPHETAMINE DOCTOR - police staff shortages and communication breakdown blamed for officer's failure to fully investigate early tip-off about Auckland cardiologist Ziao Zhong Chen, on trial for supplying massive amounts of cold tablets to make P. Dr Chen maintains the Telfast tablets were destined for export to China. (Sarah Bristow)
TELECOM LOSS - Telecom reports loss of $466 million in last 6 months of 2005 cf profit of $413 million year before. First loss for company in 14 quarters and comes after it cut value of Australian operation AAPT by nearly $900 million. Forsyth Barr analyst Jeremy Simpson says investors shouldn't panic about the losses in Australia - i/ved.
FERRY CHARGES - Maritime New Zealand's decison to bring charges against 3 Cook Strait ferry crew condemned by Merchant Service Guild as having possible detrimental effect on passenger safety. (Darren Mckenzie)
DEPARTMENT STORES - 54 jobs to be lost in Nelson and Blenheim next month with closure of two H&J Smith department stores. Announcement follows news that Arthur Barnett department store in Christchurch will close at end of this month, with 35 jobs lost. (Erina O'Donohue)
PANIA THEFT APPEAL - judge in High Court in Napier dismisses appeal over sentence given to Charles Nukunuku, jailed for a year for stealing Napier's statue of Pania of the Reef. Heugh Chappell reports live.
WAATEA NEWS with Eru Rerekura
BRITAIN - PRINCE HARRY - speculation as to whether Prince Harry will be sent to Iraq to serve in front line. Oliver Delmar of BBC Radio 5 Live says Defence Ministry dismissing media reports as complete speculation - i/ved.