[Radio commercials, 1960s-1970s]

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Radio announcements
Radio commercials
Radio programs
Sound recordings
RNZ Collection
Hill, Happi, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Shone, Phil, Speaker/Kaikōrero

This recording contains various radio advertisements, from the 1960s and 1970's. The details are as follows:
1. Macleans toothpaste (late 1970's?)
2. Peter Stuyvestant cigarettes [must be pre-1963 when tobacco radio advertising was banned]
3. Sunsilk egg cream shampoo
4. Roller Door
5. Ronson Table Lighter
6. Shell petrol
7. BP super [must be pre-decimal currency in 1967]
8. Self Help grocery specials
9. McKenzies shopping reporter
10. IGA grocery specials
11. Bonus Bonds
12. Honda motorcycles
13. Lets Go Hotelling
14. Lux Liquid [must be from pre-decimal currency in 1967]
15. Sanitarium Honey Puffs
16. Hayes shoe shop
17. Drayton Jones Fashion
18. Choysa tea
19. Films at Kerridge Odeon, the Regent, and the Majestic'
20. IGA grocery specials (Phil Shone speaks for IGA)
21. IGA grocery specials (Phil Shone speaks for IGA)