Checkpoint. 2006-05-12

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Broadcast Date
12 May 2006
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
TELECOM SECURITIES: Telecom is again under scrutiny with the Securities Commission announcing it's to investigate last week's leak of secret information, about Government plans to enforce more competition. This comes as the State Services Commission revealed they now know who was responsible for one of the biggest security breaches which in two days alone wiped one point six billion dollars from Telecom's value. The State Services Commissioner Mark Prebble would not say who the person was or where they worked. In a statement released this afternoon Dr Prebble does say employment action has been initiated in relation to the leak and there is no continuing risk for the security of Government information. He says the full report will be released next week. No one from the Government or the Commission would be interviewed. It's taken investigators less then two weeks to identify the culprit. Here's our acting political editor Brent Edwards. PREREC
The State Services Commisioner refused to be interveiwed about today's announcement and the Government isn't talking either.
Telecom chief executive Theresa Gattung won't confirm whether the person identified by the State Services Commission is the same person the company's investigation uncovered. PREREC

HAWKES BAY RAPE: A 31-year-old man who subjected a woman to a prolonged sexual attack while high on P has been sent to jail for at least 10 years. Trevor Eagle was sentenced in the High Court in Napier to preventive detention, after admitting to 11 charges, including abduction, sexual violation and rape. The 24-year-old victim said she felt she was going to die a horrible death at a remote area off the Napier-Taupo highway - and is now terrified of being left alone. Here's our Hawkes Bay reporter - Heugh Chappell. PKGE
Detective Sergeant Mike Foster was in charge of the investigation.
He's on the line now. LIVE
CHRISTCHURCH TETRAPLEGIC KILLING: A man who admitted murdering his tetraplegic friend has avoided a term of life imprisonment sought by the Crown. 48-year-old Eric Neil Smail was the live-in carer for 56-year-old Keith McCormick. Last July Smail came up behind Mr McCormick, who was in a wheelchair, stabbed him 6 times in the neck, and then cut his throat. Justice Fogarty sentenced Smail to 12 years in jail, with a minimum non-parole period of 7 years - saying a life sentence would be manifestly unjust. Erina O'Donohue was at the High Court for sentencing and joins us now. Q AND A WITH DROPINS
LEAKY HOMES: The Leaky Homes Action Group says a proposed shake-up of the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service is a step in the right direction. The government has announced it's to spend 30 million dollars over the next four years to revamp the resolution process, which has been criticised as too slow and drawn out. However, as Chris Bramwell reports, for some home-owners it comes too late. PKGE
Joining us now is the Minister for Building Issues Clayton Cosgrove. LIVE
FIJI RABUKA: Fiji's former Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, is denying charges of inciting a mutiny. Mr Rabuka, a former coup leader and army colonel, who went on to be elected Prime Minister, appeared in court today charged with inciting an army mutiny in 2000. Eight soldiers died and more than 30 people suffered injuries in the unsuccessful mutiny. Rachel Graham reports. PKGE
AUCKLAND MURDER: The man accused of shooting an Auckland Karaoke bar owner was heavily involved in the sale of illegal paua and had links to asian gangs. Tam Yam Ah was shot in the chest outside the Top City Karaoke bar in July last year. Today at a depositions hearing 53 year old Wan Yee Chow, from Wellington was committed to stand trial for Mr Tam's murder. Our reporter Kiri Ennis was at the Auckland District court and joins us now.. LIVE
WAATEA NEWS with Ceinwen Curtis
MELBOURNE BUILDING EVACUATION: The top two floors of a university building in Melbourne have been evacuated and closed off. The Royal Melbourne Insitute of Technology is carrying out a full investigation, after 7 staff members working in the building, suffered brain tumours in the last 7 years.
A union representing staff fear there may be a link between the illnesses and mobile phone towers on the roof of the building. The Vice-President of the University, Steve Somogyi (pron: som-o-gee) says in the past month it was revealed five out of 60 workers on the top floor had suffered from brain tumours. PREREC
WASHINGTON SCANDAL: A new scandal is gripping Washington, DC. A newspaper report has revealed the Bush Administration ordered the nation's phone companies to turn over the phone logs of millions of ordinary citizens, and has been doing so for years. The White House says it's necessary as part of the wider war against terrorism. Critics say President Bush and his Administration are breaking the law. From Washington, Correspondent Owen Fay reports. PKGE