Checkpoint. 2006-11-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Nov 2006
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
PRISONS HOSTAGE: The Department of Corrections is investigating another hostage drama at Auckland Prison at Paremoremo, with guards now saying they may need to be armed with tasers. It's the second incident in six weeks. In September a prison officer was held hostage for three hours and had to be freed by armed police. Today a guard was held for half an hour in a room in the main part of the prison. He escaped uninjured after the prisoner was talked into surrendering, and the inmate is now helping the police with their inquiries.
The General Manager of Public Prisons for the Department of Corrections, is Harry Hawthorn. PREREC
Listening to that is Beven Hanlon from the Corrections Association, the union which represents prison guards. LIVE
US ELECTIONS: The American media are reporting that the Democrats have won the seat of Virginia allowing them to take control of both the Senate AND the House of Representatives. CNN's Dana Bash has the latest. VOICER
Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, under heavy criticism for his handling of the Iraq war, has been given an honourable discharge and a final say. CUT
Dr Harlan Ullman is the man behind the "Shock and Awe" strategy that the Pentagon supposedly adopted for Iraq. He's a senior advisor with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. I asked him for his response to Mr Rumsfeld's departure and what new direction on Iraq it might signal. PREREC
President Bush says he takes responsiblity for what happened on election day and that he is ready to work with Democrats for the benefit of the American people. But will he be able to work with the Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi who will become the first woman speaker of the house. CUT
CNN's Whitehouse correspondent Suzanne Malvo asked Mr Bush how he expected to get on with Ms Pelosi, who has been one of his staunchest opponents. AUDIO
US-NZ TADE: Trade experts in New Zealand are starting to show pessimism over export opportunities to the United States as a result of the Congressional elections. They say the President is looking less and less likely to retain his right to negotiate deals of the type New Zealand wants. Their comments follow the Democrats' capture of the House of Representatives and possible takeover of the Senate. Eric Frykberg reports. PKGE
STADIUM AUCKLAND: Eden Park is stepping up its fight to have its stadium upgraded to host the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Today it released an enhanced design option - with more covered seating and a much lower roof. The stadium's current capacity is 48 thousand people, but the new design will see that increase to 60 thousand seats, with 53 thousand of those under cover. Their offensive comes amid intense speculation that the Government favours building a national stadium on Auckland's waterfront, over an upgraded Eden Park. On the line now is Rob Fisher - Chairman of Eden Park Development Committee. LIVE
FIJI: To Fiji now, where a delegation from the Great Council of Chiefs has gone to the army camp to meet with the Commander, Commodore Frank Bainimarama. The delegation will ask the army commander to attend a meeting at the GCC tomorrow, where it's expected the Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase will also be present. Our reporter Linda Skates has just been at the press conference and she joins us now... LIVE
BUILDING LIQUIDATION: Thirty prospective home-owners face an uncertain future - and nearly nine hundred thousand dollars is owed to contractors, after a building company went into liquidation. Meridian Homes Ltd, based in Orewa near Auckland, is unable to pay its debts. Sarah Bristow filed this report. PKGE
MURDER TITAHI: The High Court in Wellington has heard today that a man who brutally stabbed his former partner to death at a beach north of Wellington had previous convictions for violence against women. Susanna Brown died on her 33rd birthday after her ex-partner Tony Tiumalu mounted a frenzied attack on her with a knife as they sat in a car at Titahi Beach. In September a jury found Tiumalu guilty of murder and he was sentenced today to life imprisonment with a minimum non-parole term of 14 years. Our Court reporter Ann Marie May has more. PREREC
PANDEMIC: While bird flu appears to have fallen off the news-media radar, planning for a possible influenza pandemic is still high on the government's checklist. District Health Boards around the country staged a practice run today, and while most did so on paper, Wellington Hospital used real people. Chris Bramwell put on her protective gear to watch the dry run drama unfold - and filed this report. PKGE