Checkpoint. 2006-11-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Nov 2006
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
STADIUM AUCKLAND: The Waterfront Stadium has been dumped and Eden Park has won the battle to host the Rugby World Cup 2011. The Minister for the Rugby World Cup Trevor Mallard made the announcement after Cabinet met this afternoon. It follows a fortnight of intense argument and a split decision by Auckland's city and regional councils at the end of last week. The chairperson of the Eden Park residents association is ecstatic. Jose Fowler says it is a win-win for people in the neighbourhood. CUT
The Auckland Regional Council voted against the waterfront option - here's chairperson Mike Lee. CUT
But Alex Swney, CEO of Auckland's Heart of the City says he's disappointed for Auckland. CUT J
oining us now is the Chairman of the Eden Park redevelopment committee Rob Fisher. LIVE
POLITICS NATIONAL: Brash and Brownlee are out. Key and English are in! As has been widely predicted John Key and Bill English have officially taken charge of the national party caucus. They see themselves as a formidable team! Here's the new National Party leader John Key. PREREC
FIJI POLICE: Fiji's chief of police says there is little he can do as Fiji drifts towards the possibility of a fourth coup in two decades. The army reserve has been called up and soldiers are on the streets and foreign governments are warning a coup could take place within the next two weeks. The risk comes as Fiji's police finalise their investigation of army leaders on possible sedition charges but appear to have little chance of pressing charges. The police chief, Australia's Andrew Hughes is with us now . LIVE
HOSPITALS STRIKE: Another major hospital strike is imminent with last-ditch talks between laboratory workers and district health boards having just broken down in Auckland. Lab workers and DHBs are arguing over pay, and two days of mediation has failed to bridge the gap between them, making another long strike that will cripple hospital services seem inevitable. Here to tell us what it means is our health correspondent, karen brown. LIVE
POLITICS NATIONAL (2): Back now to the new National Party leadership. Bill English has secured the job of deputy leader replacing Gerry Brownlee. Mr English also picks up the finance portfolio. He joins us now. LIVE

BRASH BOOK: The book which will forever be linked with Don Brash quitting as National leader, is going into reprint. Bookshops around the country have bought all three-thousand of the first run of Nicky Hager's "The Hollow Men", and are clamouring for more copies. Amanda Strong filed this report. PKGE
ARMY ACCIDENT: An army vehicle which sank in the Waimakariri river in Canterbury during a training exercise this afternoon has been recovered and is being towed back to Burnham Military camp. Three people were in the light operational vehicle attempting to ford the river when they encountered a hole and the vehicle started to sink. The three, one of whom was a driving instructor, managed to swim to safety. Joining us now is the Commander of the Third Landforce Group, Colonel Dave Gawn. LIVE
FILM MARY: The Nativity Story, a Hollywood movie of the story of Mary and Joseph before the birth of Jesus, made its world premiere at the Vatican. The audience of some 8,000 people who attended a benefit gala premiere at the Vatican broke into applause five times during the screening and again at the end. But the star of the film, New Zealander Keisha Castle Hughes, did not attend because of other filming commitments. Here's the BBC's Sarah Stewart .PKGE