A STRANGE LAND - Ola Toimata

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Broadcast Date
07 Nov 1991
RNZ Collection
TOIMATA, Ola, Speaker/Kaikōrero
McRae, Andrew, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

A radio programme looking at the lifestyles of immigrants to New Zealand, their lives in their country of birth, and their impressions of New Zealand.

Programme Number: 79

Niuean immigrant Ola Toimata describes her childhood on Niue and how descriptions of New Zealand prompted her to move in 1964, before the mass Polynesian migration.

She talks about transitioning to a new country and language. She discusses the changes of attitudes of New Zealanders towards Polynesians in the time she has lived there. She also talks about major differences in New Zealand culture, citing noticeably less fellowship among families. She notices the similarity to Tongan and Māori culture and speaks about her relationship to the Tainui people and way they made her feel included. She recalls the way Nieuan parents instil the importance of attending church into their children and the importance of religion to Niuean people.
She speaks about her conviction for helping and counselling other Niuean people who are new to New Zealand. Ola finishes by describing what she likes about New Zealand and giving a final address in Niuean. The interview is interspersed with Niuean music.