Checkpoint. 2006-12-12

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Broadcast Date
12 Dec 2006
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
RUAPEHU CRASH: Investigations are underway into a helicopter crash into the crater lake on Mount Ruapehu last night. Incredibly three Department of Conservation staff and two pilots, escaped relatively unscathed after one of the pilots, Bruce Lilburn, with a broken ankle, managed to scale the steep icy lake wall and go for help. He then walked some distance and found some trampers with a cellphone. One man who has suspected spinal injuries is in hospital -all the others have been discharged. Bruce Lilburn, is the general manager and chief pilot of the Taupo scenic flight company, Helistar Helicopters. The company wouldn't comment until the investigations have been completed. And none of the DOC staff have been available for interviews today. The lead crash investigator, Peter Williams, says conditions on the Mountain today are treacherous and they haven't been able to reach the wreckage. PREREC
Peter Williams says investigators may not need to recover the helicopter if they can get a clear enough description of what went wrong from all those on board. Nicola Patrick is DOC's Ruapehu Area Manager. She says the department still wants to remove the wreckage despite the risks. PREREC
TAXATION CUTS: Business tax cuts will go ahead in 2008 but the Government has signalled cuts to personal tax rates might have to be delayed to take pressure off the economy. The Government can afford the tax cuts but is worried if they proceed in one hit that will put too much cash into the economy and force interest rates up. Here's our political editor Brent Edwards. PKG
FIJI COUP: In Fiji, an atmosphere of fear and intimidation is growing as the military cracks down on people who speak out against the coup. Our reporter in Suva, Philippa Tolley, has the details. PKG
CORRECTIONS DEATH: There have been repeated calls in parliament today for the Corrections Minister to resign over the death of Liam Ashley. The 17-year-old was killed by another prisoner while travelling in a Chubb security van in August. Calls for Damien O'Connor to go follow the release of a highly critical report into the incident, which uncovered a series of blunders by the Department of Corrections and Chubb. Kiri Ennis reports PKG
AUSTRALIA BUSHFIRES: Bushfires are closing in on another Tasmanian town - threatening to engulf more homes. The active front is less than a kilometre away from St Marys - with visibility down to just a metre. Locals have held a meeting, with many residents deciding to stay and defend their homes. The wind has changed direction in the state's north-east - after razing at least 14 homes in Scamander. Tasmania Fire Service spokesman Danny Reid is on the line now LIVE
Sue Brown thought her house had been taken by the massive fire raging through the tiny Scamander settlement. She says there was a huge bank of smoke when she got home from work at four, and will never forget the sound of the fire as it got closer. PREREC

BRASH VALEDICTORY: The former National Party leader Don Brash has returned to the themes of his Orewa speech in his farewell to Parliament. National MPs gave Doctor Brash a standing ovation after his valedictory speech ending his four-and-a-half year political career. Here's our parliamentary chief reporter Clare Pasley. PKG
AUCKLAND STADIUM: In a surprise U-turn, an Auckland ratepayers group is now supporting a re-developed Eden Park in time for the 2011 Rugby World Cup. A resource consent hearing for the stadium upgrade is continuing in front of independent commissioners. Lisa Thompson was there and filed this report. PKG
TAURANGA INFLATABLE: Two boys may have thought they were embarking on a Huckleberry Finn-style adventure when they set off from Tauranga Harbour in an inflatable child's swimming pool to meet their mates in town on Sunday.The pair were escorted to safety by the Tauranga coastguard after they were spotted by a local resident. But Coastguard spokesman Chris Isherwood says there was the potential for danger. PREREC
UK PROSTITUTES: British police investigating the deaths of three prostitutes are now worried about two other missing women. The naked bodies of Gemma Adams, Tania Nicol and a third woman have been found near Ipswich in the past eight days. The BBCs Richard Bilton reports PKG
MEDICINES PAPER: Some NZers say they can't get the medicines they need because of an overly tight-fisted approach by the drug-buying agency Pharmac. Now the Government is moving to find out if that's the case and whether systems can be improved. It's released a discussion paper described as a stepping stone to achieving the United Futures demand for a national medicines' policy. To tell us what's in the paper I'm joined by Karen Brown. LIVE
ENERGY REACTION: The government's new long-term vision for the energy sector has come under strong attack from National during Parliament's final question time of the year. The new draft energy strategy revealed yesterday calls for as much renewable energy to be developed as possible, and for electricity generators to be charged for the carbon they emit. Here's Our Political Reporter Corin Dann. PKG
PENGUINS DISEASE: An unknown disease has almost wiped out the entire yellow-eyed penguin chick population on Stewart Island. The Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust and the Department of Conservation have been monitoring penguin numbers on the island for four years, they have noticed a decline in the population. But this year only one chick out of 32 has survived. DoC says this is the worst breeding season on record. Its Stewart Island biodiversity manager, Brent Beaven, joins us now. LIVE