Checkpoint. 2007-01-22

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Broadcast Date
22 Jan 2007
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR MONDAY 22 JAN 2007 ***
1700 to 1707 NEWS
The parole system is being highlighted again, with a paroled prisoner accused of sexually assaulting a Good Samaritan who took him into her home. At the Christchurch District Court, 39-year-old George Darren Cant is accused of sexually violating the woman in 2001, although she did not complain to the police until two years later. Our reporter Charlotte Graham is covering the case and I asked her why the case has taken so long to get to court. PREREC
The apparent failure of the 111 emergency number in the small Southland town of Tuatapere has townsfolk asking for answers. Telecom has launched an investigation after resident Gail Palmer couldn't connect to the number and was forced to phone a direct number to the ambulance service. Steve Wilde reports. PKG
The director of Fiji's Human Rights Commission says there is a growing groundswell of opinion against New Zealand and Australia for their attitude toward Fiji's interim administration. Shaista Shameem says many ordinary Fijian people were offended by New Zealand's decision to deny entry to this country last week of a top aide of military commander, Commondore Frank Bainimarama. She says that was a breach of the aide's human rights by New Zealand.
At the same time, she says she has not received any complaints that the coup staged by Commodore Bainimarama has breached the human rights of the Fiji people. Dr Shameem says some officials from some non-government organisations have criticised her for commenting on the issue. PREREC
New Zealand houses are some of the least affordable in the world when compared to people's incomes, according to new research. The third Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey shows it would take six times the average New Zealand couple's yearly income to buy a median priced house. Conan Young has more. PKG
There are accusations political correctness has gone mad in Australia - after organisers of Sydney's Big Day Out concert called on punters to leave their Aussie flags at home. The Big Day Out organisers say Australia's flag has become a "gang colour" which could incite hatred and race clashes at the event. But their comments have sparked a furious reaction from the country's war veterans and politicians, with the New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma (YEM-ma) branding their stance as disgraceful. CUT
And the Prime Minister John Howard has also weighed into the debate. Joining us now is Oscar McLaren, from Triple J, Australia's national youth radio network. LIVE
The Corrections Association has renewed its call for greater protection for prison officers in the wake of a stabbing at Rimutaka prison on Thursday. The Department of Corrections says it's helping the police with an investigation into the stabbing but is refusing to comment further. However, the Corrections Association, which represents many prison officers, says an officer was also stabbed in the back with a sharpened mop handle. The association's president, Beven Hanlon, says an inmate was also attacked with the same weapon and two other officers were injured. PREREC
People fled their homes when a strong earthquake hit Indonesia - with a magnitude of 7 point 3. It struck the island of Sulawesi - just over 2-thousand kilometers northeast of the capital Jakarta. The tremor was followed by five aftershocks in the first hour. Our correspondent Lucy Williamson joins us from Jakarta. LIVE
The clean up of a contaminated Auckland park has begun. The City Council closed off sections of Victoria Park late last year when soil testing revealed high levels of benzo-a-pyrene. It's the latest in a string of council owned properties - including nine child care facilities - to have tested positive for the chemical. Laura Davis reports. PKG
17.45 TRAILS
Children aren't understanding maths because the subject just doesn't add up for them in the real world. This is according to the University of Auckland's mathematics department, which is
trying to make maths more relevant. Our reporter Hannah Ockelford looks into the matrix. PKG
The Australian Open in Melbourne is moving towards the money-end of the tournament, with the womens' quarterfinals taking centre stage today. Veterans Martina Hingis and Kim Clijsters have already come out on top in their matches. Dave Worsley joins us now. LIVE

Presenter: Gael Woods
Editor: Gareth Thomas
Producers: Joanne OBrien, Amanda Strong