Checkpoint. 2007-06-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Jun 2007
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR THURS 14 JUNE 2007
1700 to 1707 NEWS
New Zealand's High Commisioner to Fiji Michael Green has been expelled by the military-run regime. Mr Green is expected to leave by Monday. Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters told a media conference he'd been talking to Fiji authorities over the last five days, asking them to re-think the expulsion and warning them of the consequences.He says he's been given no good reason for Fiji's move. CUTAnd Mr Peters had this message for the Fiji government. CUT
The Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, says he is at a loss as to why New Zealand's High Commissioner has been thrown out. He says Mr Green is not the only diplomat to have been voicing their country's views: CUT Mr Downer says the action can't be put down to the behaviour of Mr Green, whom he knows personally: CUT and Mr Downer says this country can rely on Canberra's continued backing: CUT The Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer.
Fiji's Interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama is not answering his phone and other members of the Fijian military refused to discuss the issue or hung up on us. We were referred to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, but he isn't answering his phone either. In a statement released a short time ago, the government said the decision to expel Mr Green was made with deep regret and reluctance, but Mr Green would not stop interferring in Fiji's domestic affairs despite requests to do so.
No one is answering the phone at Michael Green's house, and the High Commision in Fiji has declined our requests for an interview.I asked Mr Peters what his contact has been. PREREC
Our reporter Natalie Mankelow is outside the Fiji High Commission in Wellington .........LIVE

In Gaza, violence between Hamas and Fatah has escalated as attempts to declare a ceasefire falter. Gunmen from the rival factions have been battling for control of the strip, with fighting raging on the streets and rooftops.This Gaza resident spoke from his car as he was preparing to flee his home. CUT The violence has spilled over into the West Bank - with a gun battle breaking out in the northern town of Nablus. The BBC's Tim Frank reports: PKG
Joining us now from Jerusalem is the head of the United Nations humanitarian office, David Shearer LIVE
More now on the situation in Fiji. Reporter Vijay Narayan from Fiji Village has been following the developments today. LIVE
A Christchurch man who stabbed his ex-partner to death in her car while her toddler was in the back seat has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for her murder. 21-year-old Tony Brian Norman pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and murder of 24-year-old Ariana Burgess in September last year.Charlotte Graham was at today's sentencing. PKG

Some employers in Auckland are pushing for cheaper public transport for their workers. The Northern Employers and Manufacturers' Association is calling for a partnership deal with the Auckland Regional Council, under which employees could get a 75 percent discount when riding buses, trains and ferries. Beverley Tse reports. PKG
And the Auckland Regional Council has welcomed the EMA's proposal, saying it's a positive sign that employers are doing what they can to get their workers using public transport.

A 12th man has today been charged with the murder of a Wanganui toddler following his arrest in the city this morning. Eleven other men have already been charged with the murder of two year old Jhia Te Tua in what Police call a gang related driveby shooting last month.Bryan Gibson reports. PKG

There are fears Auckland's beautiful west coast could be severely damaged if iron sand mining is allowed off the coast. One of the world's largest mining companies, Rio Tinto has begun off-shore prospecting for iron sand in an area stretching from the mouth of the Manukau Harbour to the southern Waikato.The area is also home to the endangered Maui dolphin, one of the rarest in the world.Rio Tinto says the area could yield rich resources but enviromentalists say - at what cost? Rowan Quinn has more. PKG
Returning now to our top story.The expulsion of New Zealand's High Commissioner to Fiji has been greeted with dismay by a New Zealand lawyer who has also felt the wrath of the military-run government. Janet Mason had been working with the Fiji Great Council of Chiefs to challenge the legitimacy of the government last month, when her Fiji home was invaded by masked men and her husband was beaten.She says when she was in Fiji she did not get the impression that Michael Green was posing more difficulties for the government than other foreign diplomats. PREREC

President Bush has led international condemnation of the killing of an anti-Syrian member of the Lebanese parliament. Walid Eido ( I-eedo) was killed in a bomb blast in the capital, Beirut, along with one of his sons and at least eight other people. His supporters have suggested pro-Syrian forces were behind his assassination. The Prime Minister, Fuad Siniora, called for an international investigation: CUT President Bush did not directly blame Syria for the attack - but accused Damascus of stoking instability in Lebanon. The powerful explosion which killed Mr Eido took place near the Beirut seafront, as Kim Ghattas explains: PKG