Checkpoint. 2007-06-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Jun 2007
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR TUES 19 JUNE2007
1700 to 1707 NEWS
The New Zealand HIgh Commissioner expelled from Fiji by the military regime arrived home this afternoon saying he has no idea why he was told to go and describing his expulsion as an arbitrary act. The diplomat touched down at Auckland International Airport just a few hours ago. He made this statement to the waiting media. CUT
Our reporter Rowan Quiin was there to meet Mr Green - she's with us now LIVE

A 15-year old teenager who killed an elderly North Shore woman in an unprovoked attack will spend at least 14 years in prison. Kori Trevithick admitted the crime and was sentenced at the High Court in Auckland for the murder of 77-year-old Doreen Reed. The officer in charge of the case Detective Senior Sergeant Kim Libby says the crime was savage. PREREC

The mother of a teenage boy on the run from Waikeria Prison, is terrified he may be shot and killed by police who describe the 17 year old as dangerous and possibly armed. Samuel Badawi escaped with another youth on Thursday morning and shortly afterwards stole a couple of guns, clothes and a car.The vehicle has been found in New Plymouth, the other teenager has turned himself in, but the weapons still haven't been recovered. Wendy Badawi is convinced her son is NOT armed but is worried he may end up in a potentially fatal confrontation with the police.She got a phone call from him on the weekend. PREREC
Joining us now is Detective Sergeant Ross Patterson, who is in charge of the hunt for Samuel Badawi LIVE

The Government has launched an investigation into claims of loan sharking and financial mismanagement at the Christchurch Casino.The Casino says it will cooperate fully with the inquiry. Monique Devereux is following the story, and joins us now. LIVE
Winston Peters has seized on the Tranz Rail insider trader settlement to launch a fresh attack on his long-time foes David Richwhite and Sir Michael Fay. The out of court settlement will see Mr Richwhite and his company Midavia Rail Investments pay 20 million dollars to former Tranz Rail shareholders. Sir Michael also owns part of Midavia. Four others will pay out a further 7-point-5 million taking the total amount to more than 27-million dollars.Here's our parliamentary chief reporter Clare Pasley. PKG
The Government has decided financial advisers will be able to regulate themselves but with oversight from the Securities Commission. But it will impose tougher regulations on non-bank financial institutions, bringing them under the supervision of the Reserve Bank for the first time. Loan sharks will also be caught by the changes which require all financial services providers to be registered and belong to a dispute resolution scheme. Our political editor Brent Edwards was at the media conference where the changes were announced. LIVE

The New Zealand police have confirmed they are involved in an investigation into an international paedophile ring spanning 35 countries. The British police say they have smashed a global child abuse network which was co-ordinated through a website based in Britain. Police say 700 suspects around the world used the website to swap the images.The BBC's Danny Shaw reports. PKG

The United States and European Union are to lift their financial embargoes on the Palestinian government. The move follows the creation of a new Palestinian cabinet by President Mahmoud Abass on the West Bank without any members of the militant group Hamas. But what about the people of Gaza? Here's the BBC's Mathew Price PKG

It's a familiar phrase: "The gap between the rich and the poor is growing". And that's backed up in latest census figures on incomes. Men are still better paid than women, people are working till they're older, the number of sickness beneficiaries is up, and incomes have outstripped prices in the past ten years. Andrew McRae compiled this report. PKG
Dairy farming may be enjoying record growth, but the industry's leader is warning it can't afford to ignore the rapidly changing international market. Fonterra says global demand for liquid milk is outstripping that of milk powder, and this country's dairy industry risks losing out if it doesn't invest more in overseas production. Kathryn Jones reports. PKG

The weekend announcement in London of a knighthood for author Salman Rushdie has sparked anger amongst Muslims around the world. From London here's the ABC's Stephanie Kennedy. PKG