Checkpoint. 2007-09-04

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Broadcast Date
04 Sep 2007
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR TUES 4 SEP 2007
1700 to 1707 NEWS
Spooked investors, wanting their money back, have put yet another finance company into receivership. It's the eighth to collapse in 18 months and the fourth in just over a fortnight. The Nelson based LDC Finance now owes more than 19 million dollars to almost a thousand investors. The company's receiver, Malcolm Hollis from Price Waterhouse Coopers gave this explanation for the company's demise CUT
The securites commission which asked for reports from all finance companies last week is refusing to say whether LDC had assured it of its viability. With us now is investment analyst at Milford Asset Management, Brian Gaynor. LIVE

Iranian overstayer Ali Panah has been discharged from hospital, as the Government moves to fast-track his deportation. 53-days without food had taken its toll and Mr Panah went to Auckland Hospital early this morning as his health worsened. He's now back in the care of the Anglican Church. Our reporter Jean Edwards has been following today's developments. LIVE
The lawyer for Mr Panah says his client may yet reveal why the authorities rejected his bid to stay in New Zealand. The Immigration Minister says the public is not hearing the full story about Mr Panah's case and challenged him to reveal the facts. Decisions by the Refugee Status Appeals Authority don't name the applicants and Mr Panah's lawyer Grant Illingworth is refusing at this stage to confirm which one is about his client. PREREC
The mother of a Chinese student who was abducted and killed has described how her son's kidnappers demanded 800-thousand dollars and told her if she went to the police they would kill her son. The crown alleges three men carefully planned the kidnap and murder of Wan Biao for money. The 19 year old's body was found in a suitcase in Auckland's Waitemata Harbour last Easter. Reporter Joy Reid is covering the High Court trial in Auckland. LIVE
The family of Mona Morris has given evidence in the High Court at Wanganui today, describing their mother as strong, feisty and opinionated. Tracy Jean Goodman is on trial, charged with burglary and murder, in relation to the killing of the 83-year old Marton resident. Our reporter Megan Whelan has been in court. LIVE

Parents are being warned to turn off the television before it does long-term damage to their children. New research from Otago University shows primary school children who watch a lot of TV are more likely to have trouble concentrating when they get to secondary school. The research is part of the university's prestigious Multidisciplinary Health and Development study of more than one thousand children born in Dunedin in 1972 and 73. Researcher, Bob Hancox says their findings cannot be explained by any other factors. PREREC

A central Otago school has saved the job of a teacher by advertising for pupils on the internet. The tiny school's roll had dropped to below 25, jeopodising the job of its second teacher. A Trade Me advertisment posted by the school and offering subsidised rent in the Glenorchy area, was answered by a woman with three children. Lesley Barr from the school's parent teacher and friends association says the new approach really paid off. PREREC
Kara Waitere was the successful recipient of the Trademe house and has moved to Glenorchy with her three kids. She says it's working out really well and it's good timing as she needed to move from her old house. PREREC
Fiji's Court of Appeal has lost all of its remaining appointed judges.The group of 5 NZ judges and one Australian handed their resignations to President Ratu Josefa Iloilo saying it was clear they were no longer wanted. Philippa Tolley reports. PKG

The discovery of a strange sea creature on the shore near Nelson has sparked scientific interest. The two-metre long black and white mammal was found dead by residents of the Mapua estuary yesterday morning. Department of Conservation workers have identified the animal as a spectacled porpoise, a rarely seen species about which little is known. Here's DOC's Nelson marine specialist Andrew Baxter with more about the sighting of the only true species of porpoise to be found in New Zealand waters PREREC