Radio Pacific - Greenpeace and the Rainbow Warrior

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Broadcast Date
RNZ Collection
Mafart, Alain, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Prieur, Dominique, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Radio Pacific (Auckland, N.Z.), Broadcaster

This recording contains edited cuts of Radio Pacific news coverage of the arrest of a Swiss man and woman, "Alain and Sophie Turenge" (who were eventually identified as French secret agents Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur), in connection with the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland in 1985. Includes voice reports and actuality, much of it telephone quality.

Actual recording dates unknown.

Voice report by Ian Wishart on arrest of a French couple.
Actuality unidentified man [former Greenpeace crew member]
Actuality of unidentified detective
Actuality David Lange responding to Dr Moodie's criticisms of him
Voice report by Ed Taylor on arrest of French couple.
Actuality of unidentified detective
Voice report by Fiona Rotherham on French agents' court appearance
Actuality of unidentified detective
Voice report by Ed Taylor on the search for the yacht Ouvea and salvage on the Rainbow Warrior.
Actuality David Lange
Actuality unidentified detective [or Navy spokesman?] on salvage efforts
Voice report by Kevin Hercock on salvage effort
Actuality David Lange
Actuality unidentified man
Actuality unidentified woman [from Greenpeace ?] on public support for the crew
Voice report by Barry Soper
Actuality unidentified detective on the seizing of a yacht in New Caledonia
Voice report by Fiona Rotherham on salvage work and police enquiry
Actuality unidentified detective.
Actuality unidentified man [former Greenpeace crew member]
Actuality New Zealand politician [ possibly Minister for Foreign affairs?]
Actuality unidentified detective on possible French government involvement
Voice report by Paul Davenport on reaction by French government
Actuality unidentified man [former Greenpeace crew member] on security precautions they are now taking
Actuality Geoffrey Palmer
Actuality David Lange on possible French government involvement, refers to 'European criminal lunatics who come and sink boats'
Voice report by Mark Sainsbury on David Lange's comments to French President Mitterand
Voice report by Kevin Hercock on court appearance by Swiss man and woman
Actuality unidentified detective.
Actuality unidentified woman talking about the peace flotilla against French nuclear testing
Actuality David Lange on claiming compensation from the French government.
Actuality unidentified detective.
Voice report by Ian Wishart on Navy efforts to raise the Rainbow Warrior.
Voice report by Fiona Rotherham - Sophie Turenge identified as Dominique Prieur, a French agent
Voice report by Chris Foley on reaction by French secret service, the DGSE to a commission of enquiry headed by Bernard Tricot
Voice report on reaction in France to the Tricot report
Actuality David Lange on Tricot report: several pithy comments calling French government involvement 'an outrage'
Voice report by Kevin Hercock on reaction to Tricot report by French
Actuality David Lange on French resistance to extradition of their agents
Voice package by Barry Soper on Lange reaction to Tricot report and lack of will to extradite other French agents - includes Lange voice cuts.
Actuality unidentified man [Dutch Greenpeace member?]