Checkpoint. 2008-02-06

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Broadcast Date
06 Feb 2008
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR WED 6 FEB 2008
1700 to 1707 NEWS
Up to 300 people evacuated from Patea will find out in about an hour whether they can go home tonight. Half of the South Taranaki town's population was asked to leave this morning when clouds of potentially asbestos-laced smoke blew from a fire at Patea's derelict meatworks. Our reporter Craig Ashworth PKG South Taranaki's Mayor, Ross Dunlop PREREC

The annual hikoi from the Te Tii marae to the Waitangi Treaty grounds was today joined by Tuhoe demonstrators protesting against last year's police raids. But it was tradition again which played a big part in the commemorations. Andrew McRae filed this report. PKG
The Tuhoe activist Tame Iti was one of those targetted during the raids, and he held a press conference next to Te Tii marae. Here's Māori issues reporter, Natalie Mankelow. PKG

In the United States, the winners and losers are still to emerge on Super Tuesday, the single biggest day of voting in the race to challenge for the White House. Joining us now is our correspondent in Washington, Olly Barratt. LIVE
The police in South Auckland say post-mortem results indicate a man suffering from mental illness who was arrested and pepper sprayed, died from a heart attack.It's prompted the Mental Health Foundation to call for further research on the potential impact on people who are on medication. Lisa Thompson reports. PKG

An estimated 30-thousand people have attended New Zealand's biggest Waitangi Day celebration in Porirua. Over the years, the focus of the annual Festival of the Elements has shifted away from the treaty towards a more multi-cultural celebration. Charlotte Graham PKG

The Governor-General Anand Satyanand is hosting a reception at Government House in Auckland. Our reporter, Kim Baker- Wilson is there. LIVE
Returning to the United States where votes are being counted late into the night on Super Tuesday. In the Democratic race for the presidential nomination Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have each scored important victories in key states. Joining us now are our correspondents Nathan King at the Clinton campaign headquarters in New York, and Priscilla Huff at the Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago. LIVE

A little closer to home now, and a visting congressman from American Samoa is making no secret of his support for Democrat candidate Barack Obama. Latest polling in the territory shows Hillary Clinton ahead with 167 votes to Senator Obama's 121. Congressman Eni Faleo-mava-ega says Mr Obama is the right man for the top job. PREREC

Gisborne residents are being warned about bogus earthquake inspectors who may be preying on people in the wake of the damaging quake that struck the city in December. Here's the Earthquake Commission's insurance manager Lance Dixon. PREREC