Morning report. 1985-07-22. 07:00-08:00.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
22 Jul 1985
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Humphrey, Hewitt, Presenter
Henry, Trevor, Editor
McNish, Margaret Ann, Producer
Forsey, Amanda, Producer
Allen, Norm (b.1925), Sports presenter
Radio New Zealand. National Programme (estab. 1964, closed 1986), Broadcaster

1. NEWS 00:05:30
2. SOUTH AFRICA - introduces new emergency powers Beatrice Hollier 00:04:15
3. HELEN SUZMAN - SA Progressive Fed Party spokeswoman not surprised by controls Dr Helen Suzman Dennis Reich 00:02:15
4. SA FUNERAL - goers comment on tour cancellation Dr Allan Boesack 00:01:10
5. ITALIAN - President calls for justice for dam victims Robert Fox 00:01:10
6. NEWS and WEATHER 00:04:00
7. PEGGY KOOPMAN BOYDEN - Convenor of Social Monitoring Group; report released Pegg Koopman Boyden (live) Ali Stewart 00:06:35
8. JOHOVAH'S BOMBER - sought by Sydney police Rebecca Scott 00:02:05
9. JOHN AMIS - "My Music" panelist in NZ John Amis 00:03:00
10. NEWS and SPORT David Allen 00:10:00
11. RUGBY - supporters in Wairarapa to march Bob Francis Jenny Davies 00:02:15
12. RAINBOW - investigators now in New Caledonia Ian Sinclair 00:01:25
13. ANZUS - efforts by US switched to Nat Party Denis Grant 00:02:15
14. HEADS and PAPERS 00:04:35
15. AK MāORI COUNCIL - decides to remain within parent body Dr Rangi Walker Carol Greensmith 00:02:15
16. MāORI - Language Week begins Jane Young 00:02:15
17. SYNOD - of Waiapu concerned at high number of abortions Dean Murray Mills 00:01:55
18. WHALING COMSN - appointment of Ian Stewart welcomed by commissioners and conservationists Ian Stewart Mary McCallum 00:03:00