Tagata o te Moana. 2008-06-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Jun 2008
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don
KABUI, Joseph
United Nations
Harvard University
European Union

Tagata O Te Moana is a round up of news in the Pacific from Radio New Zealand International and broadcast on Radio NZ National on Saturdays at 5.30pm.
This week's edition is presented by Don Wiseman and the items are:

OBIT: The first president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, Joseph Kabui has died suddenly of suspected heart problems;
A claim that China's secretive aid programme is undermining efforts to improve governance in the region;
Legislation to tighten the United States law against the practice of shark finning;
The European Union bans processed fish from Fiji because of health risks;
Aitutaki in the Cook Islands is to have commercial flights on Sundays;
Changes in the Marshall Islands where prices of food staples are rocketing;
Niue's Legislative Assembly is to meet next week to choose the premier following last weekend's election;
UN pressure continues over non-self governing colonies;
Six Pacific women are off to Harvard University courtesy of scholarships from NZAID..