Checkpoint. 2008-06-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Jun 2008
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR MON 23 JUNE2008
1700 to 1707 NEWS
ZIMBABWE: Zimbabweans in New Zealand are calling on the international community to take drastic action against the Mugabe regime. This comes after opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai pulled out of the coming presidential election, saying more than 80 of his supporters have been murdered so far and he doesn't want anymore people risking their lives by voting.
The BBC's Jonah Fisher reports : PKG
Benjamin Paradza is a former Zimbabwean High Court judge who fled his homeland and now lives in Wellington. PREREC
MURDER RE-TRIAL: The re-trial of Antonie Dixon for allegedly murdering a man and attacking two women with a samurai sword more than five years ago has begun in the High Court in Auckland. Here's our reporter Rowan Quinn. LIVE
CHARGES-BRIDGECORP: The Companies Office has laid criminal charges against Bridgecorp's boss Rod Petricevic and the failed company's finance director Rob Roest for misleading investors. Financial Advisor Chris Lee has been a taking close interest in the Bridgecorp failure. PREREC
PATIENT SAFETY: A programme to improve patient safety has been launched following revelations that in one year alone more than 180 hospital patients died or were seriously harmed,because of preventable errors. Our reporter Tim Graham was at Wellington Hospital for the announcement. PKG
COURT MARTIAL: A New Zealand Army corporal has today pleaded guilty to eight charges including assault at a court martial hearing at the Burnham Military Camp. Corporal Paul Dudley has admitted assaulting two privates with a rifle but denies several other charges. Monique Devereux has been at the hearing, she joins us now...LIVE
PHILIPPINES-FERRY: A total of 32 survivors have been found from a Philippine ship that capsized in a typhoon. The ferry ran aground when its engines failed in heavy seas with 845 people on board. The ABC's Sarah Everingham reports PKG
FIJI-SUSPEND: Fiji's interim government says interference by Australia and New Zealand has prompted it to withdraw from talks with the Fiji joint working group, formed by foreign ministers from the Pacific Island Forum last year. Here's Johnny Blades from RNZI...PKG
BIOFUELS: The National Party says the Government is out of step with international opinion on biofuels, by pushing ahead with a compulsory biofuels requirement for fuel. Here's our political reporter, Chris Bramwell. PKG
PATIENT SAFETY (2): A patient safety programme has been launched to tackle the number of mistakes made in hospitals after a report showed 182 people died or were seriously harmed during one year as a result of preventable errors. The Minister of Health David Cunliffe joins me now. LIVE
OIL MEETING: With oil trading at such a high price, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, which is the world's largest oil exporter says his country is, quote, "very concerned for consumers in all countries". That's why he called a meeting in Jeddah to bring together political leaders from both producing and consuming nations along with oil company executives. But the ABC's Peter Ryan reports the clear message from the meeting was that there's no quick fix PKG