1. News
2. Home-made plane crashed in Auckland street yesterday afternoon and killed 66-year old man Steven Knight 00:02:40
3. SHEARER - Has resigned all his party posts except Party membership Dr Shearer
4. OPEC BBC - Oil ministers of 13 member countries of OPEC have abandoned all hopes of fixing oil prices Alan MacGregor 00:01:10
6. BUSES - Buses in five city bus dispute back on road today Lualemana Tino Pereira 00:02:05
7. PALMER - Back home after visit to Canberra to tell Australians about proposed anti nuclear legislation Peter Minson Geoffrey Palmer 00:05:05
8. FARMS - Thousands of farm properties are on market at the moment with little immediate hope of selling Peter Minson 00:03:15
9. SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Lead of Australia's Federal Liberal Party being blamed for party's loss Denis Grant 00:01:40
11. NEW CALEDONIA - Office of Tourism trying to combat downturn in number of New Zealanders visiting N.C. Fraser Folster 00:02:25
12. CANOE - Hokulea arrived at Bay of Islands Ben Finney Darryl Ware 00:02:15
14. JAPANESE - Group of Queenstown people are starting a courtesy service for Japanese people Penny St John John Thorby 00:02:55
15. SOCIAL MOVEMENT - NZ Association of Social workers say police sponsored neighbourhood support schemes paying off in more than one way Dyan Sharland Buster Curson 00:02:15
16. MCLAY - Highly critical of Government's decision to celebrate Waitangi day in Wellington next year instead of at Waitangi national marae Jim McLay 00:01:00
17. FLOODS - New Zealand's flood prone communities need to look beyond traditional stop bank to other ways of protecting themselves Gerry Ella Dingle Smith 00:04:45
18. TALKING BIN - Introduction to a talking rubbish bin Viv Auty Shona Valentine 00:01:50