Morning report. 1985-12-23. 07:00-08:00.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
23 Dec 1985
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Humphrey, Hewitt, Presenter
Gibson, Ken, -2013 (d.2013), Editor
Watts, Cheryl, Producer
Hudson, Brian, 1937-2010, Producer
Radio New Zealand. National Programme (estab. 1964, closed 1986), Broadcaster

1. News
2. WINNIE - Winnie Mandela arrested after defiantly returning to her home in Soweto Nigel Rench 00:04:10
3. DEVASTATION - Torrential rain in the Southern Alps disrupted road, rail and telephone communications Jim Breeze 00:02:05
4. POLICE - Commissioner of Police will meet the Minister of Police today, to solve the dispute Jane Thompson 00:02:00
5. VIDEOTAPE - British officials have been studying a videotape from a journalist held hostage in Beirut Timothy Rinton 00:00:55
7. N.Z. STEEL - Govt. announced on Friday that it is puting in more than a billion dollars to help finish the New Zealand Steel mill expansion Grant Woolliams 00:07:05
8. BANKING - Battle is looming following govt's decision to open up the banking industry to more competition Glyn Jones 00:02:35
9. CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY (WALLFISH VOICER) - Was Jesus born in 12 B.C.? Asher Wallfish 00:02:10
11. AIR ALBATROSS - About 1500 travellers' Christmas holidays were threatened when Air Albatross went into liquidation on Friday Lualemana Tino Pereira 00:02:40
12. NEUTRALITY - P.M. of the Cook Islands is considering neatrality for his country Sir Tom Davis Vaine Temaeva-Nicholls 00:02:00
14. SHEEP SHIPMENT - 17,500 live sheep are being loaded at Timaru, but everything is calm Peter Brittenden 00:01:15
15. NURSES - Psychiatric and psychopedic nurses at five Auckland hospitals will stop work for 24 hours from midday today Jane Thompson 00:01:25
16. PSYCHIATRIC - Director of Dunedin's psychiatric hospital says judges are confusing social factors such as youth and unemployment with instability Emily Flynn Julia Faed 00:02:25
17. DRUG SYNDICATE BBC - Joint operation by American and Dutch police appears to have broken an international drug syndicate James Cox 00:01:20
18. GAMING - Minister of Internal Affairs has warned that his department will get tough on illegal coin operated gaming machines Peter Tapsell Spiro Anastasiou 00:01:30
19. SANTA CLAUS - Thursday marked the beginning of Christmas celebrations in a tiny American town called Santa Claus Neil Grantham Bernard Hardin 00:02:55