Morning report. 1986-01-21. 07:00-08:00.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
21 Jan 1986
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Barry, Maggie, 1959-, Presenter
Henry, Trevor, Editor
Vennell, Caroline, Producer
Hudson, Hilary, Producer
Radio New Zealand. National Programme (estab. 1964, closed 1986), Broadcaster

1. News
2. Jim McLay wants public debate with Lange Jim McLay Paul Davenport 00:2:30 LANGE - Lange says no to debate
3. FIGHTING - Conflicting reports about who is in control in South Yemen Maurice Ghent 00:1:15 EVACUEES - British evacuees have been arriving in London from South Yemen with stories Peter White Lucian Lemanski 00:1:05 KINGS - Two of the New Zealanders trapped in South Yemen have been evacuated and a third is on his way to an evacuation point
4. LESOTHO - Government of Lesotho has been toppled in a bloodless military coup Bill Prince 00:2:05
5. WILSON - Membership renewal time for the Labour Party David Hines Margaret Wilson 00:1:35
7. PETER MALCOLM - United States National Science Foundation is charging British Polar expedition 30,000 dollars for the evacuation of its members from the Antarctic last week Peter Malcolm 00:3:15
8. HUSKIES - Huskie dogs of New Zealand's Antarctic Scott Base will be gone in two years Jane Thompson. SPCA National Director Neil Wells comments. 00:1:50
9. LINK - Britain and France have finally agreed to a permanent rail link beneath the English Channel Keith Chalkley 00:2:10
10. ABORTION - Both factions in abortion debate were out yesterday when a separate abortion clinic opened in Christchurch yesterday Amanda Cropp 00:2:20
11. COASTGUARD - Auckland coastguard pleading with yachties and boaties to leave more explicit information with those on land before heading out to sea Steven Knight Peter Hamling 00:2:50
13. MEATWORKERS - Talks to settle Meatworkers Award resume in Wellington this morning Glyn Jones 00:2:10
14. SHEEP - One freezing company says farmers hoping to sell their lambs for next live sheep shipment may be disappointed Jane Thompson 00:2:20
16. GALVIN - John Galvin wants national superannuation scrapped Gerry Ella 00:2:15
17. MAUI - Govt to decide within next few weeks on Maui field Spiro Anastasiou 00:1:55
18. NIUE - Special committee meets for first time today to decide whether 50 million dollars of N.Z. aid to Niue has been well spent Fraser Folster 00:01:40
19. IDENTITY - Growing support for identity cards being issued to help cut down underage drinking Tom Sheehy Paul Davenport 00:02:10
20. POLICE - Police Association worried it may be forced to file notice of industrial action by the end of today Mark Hannan 00:01:45
21. filler "Bear Aid" - appeal for teddy bears to be sent to Africa.