0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex ABC: Haiti after latest coup
0613 Ex Parl: Reshuffle promotion for McCully
0616 Ex CHCH: Gondola share issue under-subscribed
0618 Ex HO: Arts Festival advance sales very high
0621 Ex HO: Wine awards accused of conflicts of interest
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0642 "Morning Comment": Wn Church official. Rodney Knight
0644 "Money Matters": Janice Aplin/United Germany's economy
0650 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0700 NEWS
00:6:08 MāORI circles angered at sacking of Winston Peters. LIVE
00:5:07 SACKING:Geoff Robinson i/v Winston Peters, National MP. LIVE
00:5:24 MāORI AFFAIRS:Kim Hill i/v Doug Kidd. Minn. of Māori Affairs.
00:4:37 WHALES:Kim Hill i/v Richard Parish. Dept. Conservation.
00:00:3:24 UNEMPLOYMENT escalating. Janice Rodenburg i/v Bill Birch Minister of Employment.
00:00:3:42 EDUCATION Ministry reviewing student allowance system. Sarah Lockie i/v John Mulheron. Wqtn student. METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:1:41 SOVIET MILITARY:Kremlins response to Pres. Bush's arms initiative. Kevin Connolly. BBC.
00:00:1:46 SOVIET ARMS:Reaction to reduction of armed forces. Keith Chalkley
00:00:1:18 YUGOSLAVIA:Port of Dubrovnik cut off after renewed fighting across Croatia. Cathy Jenkins BBC.
00:00:1:13 CROATIA:Dr Ivor Parabilay. Croatian Information Ministry, describes the situation in Dubrovnik. Keith Chalkley.
0810 LIVE
00:5:23 PETER'S:Kim Hill i/v Sir Robert Muldoon. National MP.
00:00:3:41 QUALITY INN:US investors warn Peters. Rory Newsam i/v Dick Griffith. Chmn. Quality Inn NZ. LIVE
00:5:34 TV VIOLENCE:Geoff Robinson i/v John Knowles. TVNZ Dir. sport.
00:00:2:16 RABUKA:Visit to bring protest. Peter Abernethy i/v Adi Asenaca Uluiviti. Coalition for Democracy in Fiji.
00:00:1:51 ENERGY:Min. of Energy takes shares plan to caucus. Rory. Newsam
0830 NEWS
00:00:3:27 DEFENCE:Closer defence relationship for NZ/AUST. Karen Fisher i/v Warren Cooper, Minister of Defence.
00:00:3:13 TRADE Min. Philip Burdon leaves for China/Iran. Leigh Pearson
00:00:2:15 GUMBOOT factory in Wainui exposed to competition. Maree Collings i/v Robert Reid. Footwear Workers' Union. LIVE
00:5:27 GAUDEAMUS:Geoff Robinson i/v Edwin Carr. Composer. LIVE
00:5:22 KAKERORI:Kim Hill i/v Dr Hugh Robertson. Dept Conservation. LIVE
00:5:06 FRUIT & VEG:Weekly look at the fruit and vegetable market with Jack Forsythe.
00:00:2:31 SPOT:TV dog in Telecom ad. gets attention. Karlum Lattimore.