Tagata o te Moana. 2008-09-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Sep 2008
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don
Radio New Zealand International

Tagata O Te Moana is a round up of news from the Pacific from Radio New Zealand International, broadcast on Radio NZ National on Saturdays at 5.30pm.
This week's edition is presented by Don Wiseman and the items are:

Vanuatu's new Government is off to a shaky start with a no-confidence motion lodged only days after it was formed;
Papua New Guineas's police commissioner says police are being unjustly criticised by Human Rights Watch;
New Zealand makes it easier and cheaper for Pacific Islanders in NZ to send money home;.
New Zealanders get a chance to learn more about Melanesia in a symposium next week;
Fiji plans a major ethanol production plant;
There's a call for more regulation of logging in Solomon Islands to stop the exploitation of young girls as domestic live-in servants;
Mangaia Harbour in the Cook Islands is to be rebuilt after it was damaged by cyclones in 2004 and 2005;
Tonga allows a resumption of sea cucumber harvesting;
New Zealand plans to cut the high rate of drownings among Pacific Islanders in NZ's more dangerous waterways.