Checkpoint. 2008-10-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Oct 2008
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR FRI 24 OCT 2008
1700 to 1707 NEWS
CHCH-AGNEW: Murder accused Liam Reid says he has been framed for the murder of Christchurch woman Emma Agnew. The 36 year old gave evidence at his own defence at the High Court in Christchurch where he's charged with killing Ms. Agnew on November 15th last year, and the rape of a Dunedin University Student 9 days later. The defence opened its case today after nearly three weeks of prosecution evidence. Here's Matthew Peddie. LIVE
ELECT-ELECTORAL: The National Party leader John Key is warning voters against what he calls the "five headed monster" of a Labour led government. This comes as a number of polls reveal National is still well ahead of Labour but could fall short of forming a government if minor parties do well at the election. Mr Key says a potential combination of Labour, the Progressives, the Greens, New Zealand First and the Māori Party is a mix that would not provide the clear leadership needed for the country in such uncertain economic times.
Helen Clark says Mr Key's attack is ridiculous. CUT
Here's John Key. PRE REC
ELECT-HIDE: In a political role reversal, ACT leader Rodney Hide's been held to account for undeclared donations, while the target of his complaint over the same issue, Winston Peters, has been cleared. The Electoral Commission says no offence was committed by New Zealand First's Party secretary in not declaring an 80-thousand dollar donation from the Spencer Trust in last year's donation returns, a complaint laid by the Act Party. Here's Eileen Cameron. PKG
US-ELECTION: In the United States, a shopping spree by Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is coming under scrutiny as American's tighten their belts during the economic crisis. CNN's Joe Johns reports. PKG
COURT-GLASSIE: A child witness has testified in the Nia Glassie murder case. Brothers Wiremu and Michael Curtis, Michael Pearson, Oriwa Kemp and the toddler's mother Lisa Kuka deny 22 charges including murder and manslaughter. Matthew Farrell's following the case at the High Court in Rotorua and he joins me now. LIVE
ELECT-RMA: The Greens say Resource Management consents for small businesses and households would be put on the backburner under a National government which would focus on road building. As part of National's plans to overhaul the Act, projects of national significance would be given priority consent -- and approved within nine months.
But the Greens say that could stop communities having a say over their own developments.
Our political reporter Danya Levy takes a closer look. PKG
WHANGAREI-SHOOT: The police have lifted their cordon in the Whangarei street where a woman was killed yesterday by the police. But a forensic team is still working at the scene where the Armed Offenders Squad shot the woman dead. Our reporter Lois Williams is covering the story. LIVE
ELECT-FIJI: Fiji's interim prime minister has urged Indo-Fijians living in New Zealand to vote Helen Clark out of office in the coming General Election. Commodore Frank Bainimarama made the comments during an intervew on Radio Tarana, which is based in Auckland.
Cherie McQuilkin reports. PKG
COURT-SHOPS: The Manukau District Court was packed today with supporters of the liquor store owner facing two counts of assault after a brawl outside his shop. 40 year old Virender Singh, who was stabbed during the brawl, was making his second court appearance.
Around 70 people were there to rally behind him. Leilani Momoisea reports. PKG
ELECT-PETERS: With his party cleared of any offence over donations by the Electoral Commission, Winston Peters has shown new enthusiasm on the campaign trail today. The New Zealand First leader spent the day on the East Coast of the North Island, dropping in on communities like Te Kaha and Ruatoria, to woo Māori voters. Our political reporter, Kate Williamson, has been travelling with him, and joins us now. LIVE
US-ECONOMY: The former chairman of the US Federal Reserve has conceded to Congress the current global credit crisis has left him in a state of shocked disbelief. Alan Greenspan was responsible for overseeeing the US financial system for two decades before stepping down in 2006. He's been defending his record before lawmakeres on Capitol Hill in Washington.
From there, our Correspondent Daniel Ryntjes reports.... PKG
GREECE-POLITICS: In Greece a second government minister has resigned over a multi-million dollar land scandal involving one of the country's most ancient monasteries. Theodore Roussopoulos is the Minister of State and main spokesperson for the conservative government. The Athos monastery has also denied any wrong doing. From Athens Malcolm Brabant reports : PKG