Checkpoint. 2008-11-12

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Broadcast Date
12 Nov 2008
RNZ Collection

**** CKPT FOR WED 12 NOV 2008
1700 to 1707 NEWS
MāORI-COALITION: The Māori Party has struck a draft deal with National, but first has to have it approved by their supporters around the country. It's the latest development in the incoming Prime Minister John Key's efforts to have a government in place by next week. Our parliamentary chief reporter, Jane Patterson, joins us now ..LIVE
NZ-ECONOMY: The Treasury has confirmed public finances have got worse. Incoming prime minister John Key and his deputy leader Bill English were briefed by the Treasury Secretary John Whitehead this afternoon. But he says his government will not change its plans to cut tax rates next year. CUT
Mr Key spoke to reporters after the meeting. Here's our political editor Brent Edwards. LIVE
FIJI-COURT: The New Zealand businessman accused of conspiring to kill Fiji's Prime Minister last year is now free to come home after the High Court in Suva this afternoon struck out all charges against him. Ballu Khan and ten others were charged with conspiracy to kill Frank Bainimarama, and other cabinet members. Now the High Court has found authorities dealt with him unlawfully following his arrest - he was not allowed visits by his lawyer and was wrongfully detained for lengthy periods before being brought before the court. Mr Ballu spoke to us from Suva a short time ago. PREREC
MASTERTON-RATIMA: The convicted mass murderer, Raymond Ratima, will not be eligible for release from jail for three years. Ratima was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to stabbing and bludgeoning seven family members to death 16 years ago. After denying Ratima parole in June, the Parole Board says there's no chance of significant change within the next three years and is postponing further hearings until 2011. Penny Smith reports. PKG
BANKS-RESERVE: The Reserve Bank says the local banking system is so far withstanding the world financial crisis. Delivering its twice-yearly financial stability report, it says banks have healthy levels of reserves and can cope with higher loan losses expected from difficult economic conditions. But Governor Alan Bollard says lending by banks to businesses and homeowners will slow as international credit markets remain difficult. CUT
Deputy Governor Grant Spencer says the Reserve Bank is taking steps to ensure banks have enough cash to lend - starting with 500 million dollars today in return for securities backed by the trading banks' mortgage books. CUT
David Tripe is the Director for Banking Studies at Massey University. He says the Reserve Banks report throws some interesting light on banks' housing lending. PREREC
US-AUTOS: There are calls for emergency action to bail out the big three US car makers GM, Ford and Chrysler. All three companies have asked for a total of 50 billion dollars in rescue loans but divisions remain over whether the money should be granted. CNN's Gary Tuckman reports. PKG
Child Youth and Family has given its version of events, in a court hearing that will decide if the parents of a baby who died in the agency's care are awarded damages. Four month old Patrick Martin died in 2002, from what a Coroner said was cot death. His parents Louise and Craig, who are now separated, say their child would still be alive if he hadn't been taken away. Kim Baker Wilson has been at the hearing, and joins us now. LIVE
US-SONG: Songs that make our hearts soar can make them stronger too. Researchers in the US says they've found that when people listen to their favorite music, their blood vessels dilate in much the same way as when laughing, or taking blood medications. Researcher Dr. Michael Miller is the director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore - and he joins us now. LIVE
US-OBAMA: Some gun owners have doubts about the new Obama administration. Although the President-elect supports gun rights some people believe Barak Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress will restrict certain firearms. His victory on election night appears to have triggered a gun buying spree.CNN's Kelly Arena reports. PKG
AWARD-SAUSAGES: The searing question of what is New Zealand's top sausage has been answered. A cheese kransky made by Hellers has taken out the supreme award in the Great New Zealand Sausage Competition.Clint Owens filed this report. PKG