Morning report. 1991-03-05

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
05 Mar 1991
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex ABC: Saddam's mistakes
0612 Ex Wires: Kurds want say in postwar settlement
0613 Ex ABC: Gulf war lifts Bush's popularity
0617 Ex Brittenden: Sandinavian plans for Baltic states.
0619 Ex Ckpt: Fiji goldmine strike over racial discrimination
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Morning Comment: David Hay, Wanqanui minister
0645 "Money Matters": Margaret Inqe. Airline industry dev'ments
0650 Asia Pacific news
0700 NEWS
00:2:33 IRAQ: Reports of growing anti-govt. disturbances. Barnaby Mason, BBC LIVE
00:5:38 IRAQ: Geoff Robinson i/v Harvey Morris, Dep. For Ed. of Independent newspaper
00:00:3:31 ANTI-NUCLEAR legislation. Tina Pereira i/v Mike Moore, Opposition leader
00:00:2:36 MAORIDOM & govt - new relationship. Adam Gifford LIVE
00:0:32 WAR CRIMINALS: Geoff Robinson i/v Paul East, Attorney General
00:00:4:14 NAZI HUNTERS surprised by govt's statement. Leigh Pearson i/v Efraim Zuroff, Israel's Simon Wiesenthal cntr
00:4:13 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS BILL: Kim Hill i/v John Williamson. former Pres. of Whangarei Chamber of Commerce
00:00:2:20 MāORI Education Authority calls for national Māori strike Tino Pereira i/v Tom Saymore, CTU Nat. Māori Committee METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:2:38 BIRMINGHAM 6: New appeal hearing. Clive Mardon, BBC
00:00:1:25 ALBANIAN refugees descend on Italian Adriatic port of Otranto. David Willey, BBC
00:00:1:11 PRISONERS OF WAR held by Iraqis on way to Jordan border. Bob Simpson, BBC
0810 LIVE
00:6:35 EREBUS: Geoff Robinson i/v Stuart MacFarlane. Snr. law lecturer at Ak. Uni. LIVE
00:5:56 STARVATION: Kim Hill i/v Dr Brian Hobbs, former Chair. of Aust's Community Aid Abroad, brought to NZ by Oxfam NZ
0830 NEWS
00:00:2:32 POVERTY: Family Budget Adv. Serv. says some children are going without food. Nona Pelletier i/v Jane Hyam. Budg. Adv LIVE
00:5:20 MONEY: Geoff Robinson i/v Dr Kathleen Gurney, American financial psychologist
00:00:4:24 HEALTH Min. delivers tough message to public health system Caroline Gaishauser i/v Simon Upton, Min. of Health
00:00:1:48 CENSUS tonight. Michael Kopp LIVE
00:3:38 CENSUS: Kim Hill i/v Janice Butcher, whose job it is to collect census info. from To Anau area
00:00:2:01 SECONDARY SCHOOL teachers. Could be shortage in next few years. Richard Crowley i/v Colin Knight. Ch'ch Coll. of Educ
00:00:1:18 CASINOS: John Campbell i/v Jock Irvine, Casino Control Authority Head
00:00:2:39 POLICE DOGS wanted to work in Asia. Karlum Lattimore