Radio commercials

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Radio announcements
Radio commercials
Radio programs
Sound recordings
RNZ Collection

Twenty-six radio commercials -

1. Bradstreet Limited, 1ZB live, 1936. Summer goods, holiday gifts.
2. Macky Logan, 1ZB live, 1936. Department store.
3. Ben Hur cigarette tobacco, 1ZB live, 1936.
4. Dixons carpet shampoo, announcer live, 1943.
5. Lux soap, agency recorded, 1948.
6. Fascinac shoe and leather lacquer, shopping reporter live, 1950's.
7. Four Square stores, announcer live, 1952.
8. Brown Ewing, 4ZB announcer live, 1953.
9. Cadbury chocolate, announcer live, 1950's.
10. Lifebuoy toilet soap, agent recorded, 1958.
11. Lux toilet soap, agency recorded, 1958.
12. Colgate Christmas commercial, agency recorded, 1959.
13. Ajax cleaner, agency recorded, 1959.
14. Colgate dental cream, agency recorded, 1959.
15. Pepsodent toothpaste, agency recorded, 1964.
16. Lifebuoy soap, agency recorded, 1964.
17. Persil washing powder, agency recorded, 1964.
18. Self Help grocery stores, agency recorded, 1967.
19. Self Help grocery stores, agency recorded, 1967.
20. Bluebird candy corn, agency recorded, 1960's.
21. Aspro (for headaches), agency recorded, 1971.
22. Crimplene fabric, agency recorded, 1971.
23. Four Square stores, 4ZB recorded, 1974.
24. Griffins Mallowpuffs, agency recorded, 1977.
25. Old Spice toiletries, agency recorded, 1977.
26. G. W. Roberts auto-wreckers, 1ZH recorded, Mobil award winner, 1978.