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Radio announcements
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Sound recordings
RNZ Collection
Green, Grace Winifred, 1907-1976, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Harris, A. R. (Ambrose Reeves), b.1886, Speaker/Kaikōrero
3ZB (Radio station : Christchurch, N.Z.), Broadcaster

1. Starts with 3ZB item, recalling the beginning of 3ZB with Reeves Harris and Teddy and Grace Green. They talk about the 1938 fire and how they coped.
2. Army - are you drifting?
3. Army - want action?
4. Army - check up now.
5. Shell, blue pennant, kerosene.
6. Shell, blue pennant, kerosene.
7. McKenzies, underclothing.
8. Lifebuoy soap.
9. Surprise peas.
10. Lux liquid.
11. Blue clinic shampoo, Pepsodent toothpaste.
12. Self help, no music.
13. Self help, no music.
14. Marmite.
15. Rinso.
16. Wilson's Maltexo.
17. Cup Day, metropolitan, Addington.
18. Jonathon Apples, Lew Pryme.
19. Regent theatre, PT109.
20. Stewart Dawson, jewellers, watches - Dunedin.
21. Watties sweet corn.
22. Bonnington's irish moss.
23. Teleslide - Cresswell's electrical, Pyne Gould guinness wines and spirits, Norski laboatories boat products, meat centre, D. C. Freeman plumbers, Discount Manchester supermarket, Marlborough transport, Toyota, Ballins softdrink, marine services, Bookworld, Capri coffee lounge, Kerridge Odeon, Blenheim.
24. Plant potatoes, grow your own and help Britain.
25. Plant potatoes, grow your own and help Britain.
26. Plant potatoes, grow your own and help Britain.