Tagata o te Moana. 2009-07-18

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Broadcast Date
18 Jul 2009
RNZ Collection
Blades, Johnny
Melanesian Spearhead Group
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

Tagata o te Moana is a weekly round up of news from the Pacific from Radio New Zealand International, broadcast on Radio New Zealand National on Saturdays at 5.30pm. This week's edition is presented by Johnny Blades and the items are:

Questions over who is behind a series of deadly attacks around the massive Freeport mine in Papua;
Fiji's interim regime wins support from Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders;
Fiji interim government is urged to talk to unions over redundancies;
Nuclear test victims in the Marshall Islands will receive no more compensation from the Nuclear Claims Tribunal because, despite owing more than two billion dollars, the money is running out;
More than two years on from the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Solomon Islands in April 2007, recovery work is still continuing;
Women in Fiji say a change in the legal age of marriage will help end the exploitation of young women.
And a Tongan programme hopes to address barriers that halt 'progress in education.