Checkpoint. 2009-07-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Jul 2009
RNZ Collection
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

**** Checkpoint FOR WED 8 JULY
1700 to 1707 NEWS
The High Court in Christchurch has heard that a former economics tutor who stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death in a violent frenzy was provoked by her when she knocked off his glasses. Clayton Weatherston has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Sophie Elliot, who was stabbed or cut 216 times at her home in Dunedin last January, but denies the charge of murder. Today he gave evidence in his own defence, speaking in a calm quiet voice in front of a packed gallery Weatherson told the jury details of his upbringing.
Our reporter Matthew Peddie has been at the High Court and joins us now - what has Clayton Weatherston said so far? LIVE

The police in Christchurch say a house fire which claimed the lives of a 38 year old mother and her 6 year old daughter is being treated as suspicious. The Fire Service was called to the blaze on Avalon Street in Richmond just before one o'clock this morning. Sophia Sinclair filed this report. PKG

A bus drivers union says it's at a loss to explain how tens of thousands of dollars went unaccounted for by Go Wellington buses over a period of at least three years. Nine drivers have been fired for stealing twenty thousand dollars in fares since May this year. The money has now been paid back , but union claim the problem is more widespread and up to half a million dollars could have gone missing. Police are investigating. Kevin O'Sullivan, secretary of the Wellington Tramways Union says it was common knowledge the system was open for abuse PREREC

Bruce Emson is the chief executive of New Zealand Bus, which owns Go Wellington. He says he didn't realise the fact that the system was open for rorting was widely known. PREREC

There were songs, emotional speeches and tears from family and fans of Michael Jackson as they said their farewells to the pop star at a memorial service at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles. The performer's coffin was placed in front of the stage during the event before 17 thousand ticket holders . From Los Angeles the ABC's Kim Landers reports : PKG
A Christchurch Christian school has been left red-faced after a website link for ordering its senior formal photos was posted on a website featuring R18 adult images. Middleton Grange School commissioned the Kaiapoi photography business, Naked Art, to take the photos. But it was upset to find the company's website featured adult material and a link to the school photos. Emma Lancaster reports. PKG

The New Zealand government will assist any country in the Pacific Island nations that need help to manage any swine flu outbreak in the region. The Prime Minister John Key arrived in Samoa today as part of this weeks good will trip. Parliamentary Chief Reporter Jane Patterson is traveling with Mr Key She joins us now LIVE
The prominent union leader Laila Harre has been appointed to oversee the move of more than 6000 staff into Auckland's new super city council - an exercise likely to involve a number of job cuts.
Eight councils are merging into one by November next year. Ms Harre has left her job with the National Distribution Union. She joins us now. LIVE

MPs from the select committee investigating Auckland's supercity visited Orekai marae today where they were challenged to provide answers on Māori involvment in the Super City. Belinda McCammon was there PKG
17.45 TRAILS
Details are emerging of how the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will implement cuts to its Biosecurity division. MAF wants to axe 30 existing positions and withdraw 30 more vacancies to border security roles because of a drop in cargo and passenger volumes.
Richard Wagstaff is the Public Service Association's national secretary. He joins us now. LIVE

It's got the 4th largest population of any country and the most Muslims scattered across 17 thousand islands and 3 time zones where some 300 languages are spoken. The people of Indonesia are voting today to choose their next president in a vote which could help cement a relatively new democratic tradition. Here's the BBC's Lucy Williamson : PKG

Social networking sites along with the global economic crisis are being blamed for an increase in cyber crime. The police say while hard times are driving people to break the law, social networking sites like facebook and twitter are making it easier for criminals to rob people. Leilani Momoisea reports, PKG

A small town in the highlands of New South Wales is aiming to become the first community in Australia to ban the sale of bottled water. Bundanoon is proposing to replace plastic bottles of water on their shop shelves with re-usables that can be re-filled at several water fountains which will be installed on the main street. Huw (Hugh) Kingston is the local businessman behind the idea, which he says has gained un-precedented support. PREREC