Tagata o te Moana. 2009-08-29.

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Broadcast Date
29 Aug 2009
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

Tagata o te moana is a weekly round up of news from the Pacific from Radio New Zealand International, broadcast on Radio New Zealand National on Saturdays at 5.30pm. This week's edition is presented by Don Wiseman and the items are:

Health officials in Papua New Guinea are investigating outbreaks of dysentry and influenza which have claimed 41lives in the past three weeks;
An animal welfare group says the Solomon Islands government is about to export another batch of live dolphins, this time to Panama;
Hundreds of people have attended a ceremony this week at the spot where the Tonga ferry sank with the loss of 74 lives more than three weeks ago;
In French Polynesia, accusations that the judiciary is guilty of manipulation have been made during a corruption probe;
Landowners in PNG demand control over the country's mineral wealth;
Some car rental companies in Samoa are closed for business during next month's switch to driving on the left hand side of the road;
An MP in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville has been jailed for sexual assault;
A warning that more needs to be done to preserve Pacific languages or they will be lost forever.