Tagata o te Moana. 2008-12-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Dec 2008
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

Tagata o te moana is a weekly half-hour round-up of news about the Pacific from Radio New Zealand International, broadcast on Radio New Zealand National on Saturdays at 5.30pm. This week's edition is presented by Don Wiseman, and the items are:

Pacific Foreign Ministers accept what Fiji has been saying for six months, that it will not be holding elections in March next year;
Tuna in the Pacific remains under severe threat despite a week-long talk fest in South Korea;
The small countries of the Pacific fail to convince the rest of the world of the threat they face from climate change;
The New Zealand Government's plans for overcoming truancy are slammed by Pacific Island educators;
Niue is rapped over the knuckles for overspending;
The resetttlement of the Carteret Islanders - we hear from a New Zealand aid worker who is involved with the exercise in Bougainville.