Kupu Korikori - Rev. Muru Walters.
- Muru talks about the unbeaten All Blacks trip to Japan who are the current world
Kupu Korikori with Wharehuia Milroy who comments on the Minister of Educations
concerns that there are not enough Māori or Pacific Islandrs parents involved on
school committees. He says many are involved at Kohanga Reo and Kura but not in
mainstream. Wharehuia says we must not let this happen as we do need to become
Māori News with Haare Williams.
- This week the Government and the New Zealand Māori Council (Sir Jeffery Palmer
and Graham Latimer Chairman of the Māori Council) meet to discuss fishing rights.
- Winston Peters says the Goverment is being unfair in there discussion with Māori over
fishing rights.
- Hohua Tutengaihe talks about Otautahi iwi concerns.
- Cliff Wahiting, Te Rangimarie Hetet and Sandy Adsett travel to South Africa to explain
and talk about Performing Arts in terms of raranga, and whakairo.
- Mataatua Whare in Otepoti to continue staying on in the Museum/Karaka Roberts.
- Three Angiican Ministers to be ordained into the Ministry at Poho-o-Rawiri. Heeni Hanah,
Rapata Paenga and Hēnare Kirikiri kaikōrero Maihi Nikora.
- kaikōrero: Te Arani Peita, Minister of Māori Affairs to return taonga to Tai Tokerau.
- Hui for kai whakapaho and kai tuhi kōrero to be held in Rotorua.
Te Karere a rongo:
- kaikōrero: Moni Taumaunu / Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Konohi discusses Ataarangi.
- kaikōrero : Hapuka Karaka/Tairawhiti talks about superman in relation to "te reo"
that has to be taught to our mokopuna.
Pacific Style with Malige Evile
- Vainie Nichols talks to the Senior Immigration Officer in Rarotonga Tutaii Toru about new moves by the NZ Immigation authority to impose the acquisition of passports on all Cook
Islanders migrating to NZ. the new law becomes effective this week.
NB: In Te Reo Kuuki Iarena.