
Māori programme. 1965-05-03. No. 35

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Māori radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
03 May 1965
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Parker, Wiremu Leonard, 1914-1986, Presenter
Keepa Thelma, Performer
Fowler, Leo (b.1902, d.1976), Producer
te Ua, Hetekia Te Kani-a-Takirau Kerekere Tuhoe, 1892-1966, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Huata, Wiremu Wi te Tau, 1917-1991, Speaker/Kaikōrero

This is a programme from the series broadcast during 1965.

It's in a magazine style beginning with "E rere ra te matangi" sung by Thelma Keepa (recorded, date unknown in the Wellington Town Hall).
Story of Kapuwai (from Otago) the water swallower, recorded twenty years previously by G.B. Stevenson of Oamaru.
Te Whetu Ariki o Kahukura of Christchurch, two songs - Mawai and Kia ora e nga iwi katoa.
The stained glass window of the church at Hairini, the story is told by Mrs Bertrand of Te Awamutu.
Tuwharetoa waiata , a waiata aroha by Puhiwahine song by Te Raureti Te Huia of Te Awamutu.
The South African Rugby Union's Springboks are due to play in Gisborne - Hetekia te Kani te Ua comments in Māori about the place of kawa and not trampling upon the kawa of others, "me manaaki te manuhiri".
Wiremu Parker gives an English translation. (The Springboks are due to be welcomed at Te Poho-o-Rawiri on 28 June.) Waihirere Māori Club sings Karangatia ra.
Canon Wi Huata comments on taking a small Māori group ( Ohau Youth Group) to perform for Rotary Clubs in Australia.
Canon Wi Huata's interviewed by Leo Fowler. Poi Patere by Ohau.