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Broadcast Date
03 Mar 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Thompson, Sam
Tonkin, Shirley

Magazine programme about Pacific People.

NUCLEAR TESTS ENDS: France's announcement to end all nucler testing in
French Polynesia brought mixed reactions from around the world. United states
President Bill Clinton welcomed the decision and said that it would provide new
momentum to efforts to conclude a test ban treaty later in the year...However
Australia Foreign Minister Gareth Evans says the pity is that the test ever
happened because they have set back the cause of a nuclear free world. While
NZ welcomed the decision it said that it would be years before noral relations
with France could be achieved....The South Pacific Forum welcomed the news
and said it now looks forward to an early progress on other anti nuclear objectives
which had not been achieveable while France continued testing, and what about
the people of French Polynesia....Elma Ma'ua finds out........
- kaikōrero: Nelson O'tese / Economic and Political spokesperson on the reaction
from the people of Tahiti.

COT DEATH: There is an increasing number of Pacific Island babies dying in their
sleep. The National co-ordinator of the Cot Death Association, Dr.Shirley Tonkin
said it was a worrying trend among Pacific Island communities.
- kaikōrero: Dr.Shiley Tonkin explains why there is such a rise................

MOSQUITO EPIDEMIC: The Cook Islands Public Health Department launched
a dangy awareness programme to avoid another outbreak of the mospuito born
decease. Two outbreaks happened in Rarotonga in1995 which infected hundreds
of people. Helath inspectors also began routine inspections as well as spraying
mosquito breeding grounds. Elma spoke to Secretary of Health Dr. Ruoal Daniel
about the reasons behind the Dangy Awareness Programme.
- kaikōrero: Dr. Ruoal Daniel / Secretary of Helath in the Cook Islands.

WAKA MOANA SYMPOSIUM: A waka moana symposium is being held by the
Maritime Museum to discuss traditional canoe building, sailing and navigational
techniques....Alot of the sailors and builders will be coming from around the
Co-ordinator Dr. Huns Detabarda said there will also be a festival during the week
long conference to get the public involved.
- kaikōrero: Dr.Huns Detabarda......