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Broadcast Date
11 Mar 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Poulson, Charlie

Magazine Programme for Pacific Peoples.

A campaign was launched this week through out the South Pacific to mark
1995 the International year of the "turtle". It was the first ever lead Goverment
conservation campaign with twentysix South Pacifc Regional Enviromental
programme member countries endorsed the year long conservation. In some
countries like Australia, American Samoa, and Guam the taking of turtles is
banned so enforcement is a key issue. In most South Pacific nations, sales of
turtles for product is very common. Six of the world seven species are found in
the Pacific, namely the Green / Leatherback / Hawkesbill/ Loggerhead/Flatback
and Oliveridley could all be extinct within a few breeding cycles

- kaikōrero: Bunny McDerment? of Greenpeace explains the seriousness and the
concern for the campaign.

Two medical reports by a Japanese research team has shocked peoples of the
Marchilles Islands. A study of Rongolap Islanders indicate almost 40% of the
population which was exposed to nuclear testing in the 1950's may have cancer.
- Another report shows that Marchille Islanders have a "thyroid cancer" rate 100
times higher than anywhere else in the world.
These are contrary to the study be the US department of Energy.
- kaikōrero: Linda Skates speaks with Giff Johnson of RNZI about the revelations.

FIJI SENATE recently voted against lifting the Sunday "ban" on bussiness and
sports activities, the ban was imposed after the coup in 1997. They said the ban
was no longer relavant and unconstitutional. A key role in all of this was the
Methodist Church who wrote many submissions to politicians and staged many
marches in main centres to show their opposition tio the plans.

- kaikōrero: Thomas Ekalalangi? Methodist Church Secretary speaks with
Walter Zweifel RNZI.

Manukau Pacific Island Advisory Committee have started campaigning to get more
Pacific Islanders onto the Main Council Committee, firstly they need to get them onto
the role.
- kaikōrero: Charlie Poulson about whay they intend to do.......prgm ends.